Monday, February 25, 2008

Tutorial--Attaching A Fabric Yo-Yo by Sewing Machine

**This tutorial is intended for personal use only.**

I would like to show you how I have been attaching fabric yo-yo's to my projects with this tutorial. I have been doing it this way for over 25 years. When I first started attaching yo-yo's to projects, it was always difficult to keep the ends from flipping up or if I tacked them down, the stitches would always show. Instead of hand-tacking a finished yo-yo to a project, I use the sewing machine to do the initial anchoring. (You can also hand stitch the initial anchoring too). This tutorial will show you how to do this and then turn it into a lovely pincushion in the end.

This is my first tutorial so please be gentle. Here goes....

The first step is to cut one 5-inch fabric circle. This will be for the yo-yo in this project. Also, cut two 5-1/2-inch circles. This will be the top and bottom of your pincushion. They can be both from the same fabric or one each from a contrasting fabric.

Please note: A 5-inch fabric circle will make a 2-1/4-inch yo-yo.

Since the yo-yo will end up being 2-1/4 inches, trace a 2-1/4-inch circle in the middle of the fabric yo-yo on the wrong side. It should look like this:

Place the right side of your yo-yo circle to the right side of the top of the pincushion circle with the yo-yo side facing up. Pin in place. It should look like this:

Use your sewing machine to stitch completely around the circle you just drew.

Now, take needle and thread and hand sew the yo-yo using a 1/4-inch running stitch. Make sure to turn the raw edges in 1/4-inch as you sew. It will look like this:

If you'd like to give your yo-yo some body, this is the time to place some fiberfil in the center. It should look like this:

Pull the thread tight and knot off. This is your completed yo-yo attached to your pincushion top. This yo-yo isn't going anywhere. It won't lift up on the edges or shift and become lopsided.

To make the pincushion, pin the upper pincushion circle to the bottom pincushion circle, right sides together. It will look like this:

This is what the back of my pincushion looks like:

Stitch by machine around the edge using a 1/4-inch seam. Be sure to leave a 1-inch opening for turning. It should look like this:

Turn right sides out and it will look like this:

To complete your pincushin, stuff with fiberfil or your preferred stuffing and handstitch the opening closed using a slip stitch. You can stop at this point and you will have a lovely pincushion. As you can see, I went a little further as my pincushion has a handsewn ricrac embellishment, a button center and also has been tufted. Embellish as you please and most of all, have fun.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful. Many people have asked me how I get my yo-yo's to look so neat on my projects and it was always hard to explain it to them. Now, my friends, you have the inside scoop and complete with pictures to boot. Enjoy!


**This tutorial is intended for personal use only.**


Teodo said...

thanks for your visit.........
I like all your flowers and pinchusion.
ciao ciao

Marzia Melloni said...

Wow!! è stupendo!!
Bye Marzia

Anonymous said...

I wish I had seen this before I made all my yoyos for the quilt blocks swap I'm making. I could just sew the circles to the project, gather up & be done with it. Instead, I now have to find a way to tack them down securely.

Thanks for your tutorial!

Tudy said...

Thank you again for a new idea with Yo-Yo's. I have always done them by hand.

Crazypatch said...

so cute

The Rabbit Factory said...

Thanks for the great tutorial. Great idea!

Cyn said...

Wonderful tute! Thank you for a very clear explanation. Great idea.