**This tutorial is intended for personal use only.**
For this project you will need fabric, thin cardboard, needle and thread, thumbtacks with 1/2-inch points, a 1-1/8-inch 6 petal paper flower punch, glue, felt, polyester fiberfil, scissor, small button or bead, and embroidery thread.
From cardboard, cut a 2-1/4-inch circle and a 7/8-inch circle.
Trace the 2-1/4-inch cardboard circle onto the wrong side of the fabric. With scissor, cut out the circle of fabric.
Trace the 7/8-inch cardboard circle onto the felt. With scissor, cut out the circle of felt.
Punch a 6-petal flower from thin cardboard using a 1-1/8" flower paper punch.

If you do not have a flower paper punch, use this simple method to create the general shape.

You will need flat head thumbtacks with 1/2-inch points.

Lay a small amount of glue onto the center of the cardboard flower.

Stick the thumbtack through the middle of the cardboard making sure that the underside of the head makes contact with the glue. Set aside to dry.

With needle and thread, take a running stitch around the outside of the 2-1/4-inch fabric circle.

With the wrong side of the circle facing up, place a tiny bit of fiberfil onto the center. Place the cardboard flower base on top of the fiberfil with the thumbtack point facing up. Draw the fabric tightly around it, trapping both the fiberfil and the cardboard base inside.

Tie off with a secure knot. Cut the thread close to the knot. Be careful not to poke yourself while working around the thumbtack.

With 3-4 strands of embroidery thread and a sharp needle, come up through the back of the cardboard at a slant to the center front of the flower. You will need to work at a slant to avoid hitting your needle on the base of the thumbtack.

Bring your needle around to the back and up to the front again. With your finger, feel for one of the notches making sure that the embroidery thread falls into one of the grooves. Pull embroidery thread taught.
Repeat this process 5 more times.

Six petals made.

Thread a small button or bead onto the embroidery floss and sew it to the middle of the flower. Tie off with a secure knot to the back of the flower.

Poke the thumbtack through the center of the 7/8-inch felt circle and glue it in place to hide the mechanics.

Pretty Posie Pushpins.

Use your Pretty Posie Pushpins to jazz up your bulletin board.
