Monday, February 18, 2008

Work In Progress

These fabric petals have been gathered and need to be tied off into flower shapes. This isn't one of my favorite things to do so I'm saving it for another day.
A huge mass of tufted flower centers. They look like little icing flowers that would grace the cutest cupcakes. Just a little less than a hundred to go before this step is done.

Where has the coolness of winter gone? The warm, thick, humid air has left me lethargic and uncreative. I have been sitting in front of the televison for the past several days like a lifeless blob hand stitching and watching old episodes of I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, The Beverly Hillbillies and the national news. All I have to show are the above work in progress photos. Hopefully tomorrow will bring new energy and creativity.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a lovely mass of flowers! I love them and can just imagine how pretty it must be as a garland! I sure do love it that you have visited me and left such sweet notes! Thank you. I also wanted to tell you that I adore your buttony banner!