Hi everyone! I'm back! Rested, refreshed, and ready to get back to the business of creating once again.
If you've been following my blog, you know how much I rely on cardboard circle templates. I keep a plastic bag filled with as many different sizes as possible. I really don't know what I would do without them.
This project relies heavily on circle templates. You can create your circles using a circle cutting system, a compass, or from items around your house . The kitchen is a great place to look...plates, bowls, and plastic lids all make wonderful templates. Better yet, if you have a circle cutting system meant for cutting fabric, use it instead and skip the cardboard templates altogether.
You will start out with 8 circles:
Cut the following sizes from fabric.
8-1/2", 8", 7-1/2", 7", 6-1/2", 6", 5-1/2", 5"
Keeping the circles in descending order will lessen the confusion.
Here is where it gets a bit tricky so we'll take it step by step.
Starting with the 8-1/2" circle: Remove a 4-1/2" circle from it's center. (You will be using some of the center circles for this project, so cut each one out carefully.)
Set the 8-1/2" circle aside. Take the 4-1/2" circle and remove a 2-1/2" circle from it's center. Set the 4-1/2" circle aside. Take the 2-1/2" circle and remove a 1-1/2" circle from it's center. Set the 2-1/2" circle aside and discard the 1-1/2" circle. (When I say discard, I really mean set aside for future project use).
For the 8" circle, remove a 4-1/4" circle from it's center. Set the 8" circle aside and discard the 4-1/4" circle.
For the 7-1/2: circle, remove a 4" circle from it's center. Set the 7-1/2" circle aside. Take the 4" circle and remove a 2-1/4" circle from it's center. Set the 4" circle aside and discard the 2-1/4" circle.
For the 7" circle, remove a 3-3/4" circle from the center. Set the 7" circle aside and discard the 3-3/4" circle.
For the 6-1/2" circle, remove a 3-1/2" circle from it's center. Set the 3-1/2" circle aside. Take the 3-1/2" circle and remove a 2" circle from it's center. Set the 3-1/2" circle aside. Take the 2" circle and remove a 1-1/4" circle from it's center. Set the 2" circle aside and discard the 1-1/4" circle.
For the 6" circle, remove a 3-1/4" circle from it's center. Set the 6" circle aside and discard the 3-1/4" circle.
For the 5-1/2 circle, remove a 3" circle from it's center. Set aside the 5-1/2" circle. Take the 3" circle and remove a 1-3/4" circle from it's center. Set the 3" circle aside. Discard the 1-3/4" circle.
For the 5" circle, remove a 2-3/4" circle from it's center. Set the 5" circle aside. Discard the 2-3/4" circle.
Whew, are you still with me??? Remember, this is simple if you take it one step at a time. I tried my best to utilize most of the center pieces so that there would be minimal fabric waste for this project.
You will end up with 14 donut-shaped pieces in the following sizes:
8-1/2", 8", 7-1/2", 7", 6-1/2", 6", 5-1/2", 5", 4-1/2", 4", 3-1/2", 3", 2-1/2",and 2"
With a scalloped edge scissor, cut around the outside edge of each circle.
For the base and trunk of the tree, you will need an empty thread spool and a drinking straw. Take a small piece of fabric and glue this around the spool of thread. Glue the drinking straw into the center of the spool of the thread.
Take a running stitch around the center straight edge of the 8-1/2" circle.
Place the gathered circle onto the straw, gather tightly, knot off, and slide it down to the base of the tree.
Continue adding gathered circles in descending order.
Use a little bit of glue to hold the top piece in place. Clip straw if needed. Glue a decorative button to the tree top.
A view from the top. Scrumptious, ruffly goodness.
I hope you enjoyed this project. Now go on and create a forest of ruffled Christmas trees to call your own!
Have a fabulous day everyone!

What a neat Christmas Tree! It would be a great surprise for a son/daughter who is living away from home. My son still has the little tree that I decorated for his first apartment. The miniature artificial tree has decorations that I sewed on the branches.
Aloha and welcome back, dear Lettie! We're in the midst of a heat spell here in Ontario so thinking about Christmas projects will help cool things down, lol!
wow, that is awesome...thanks.
Thanks for sharing that great tutorial. I am definately going to try it
How cute is that!!! I can imagine a whole forest of these little Christmas trees decorating my house this Christmas. Thanks for the great idea.
Take care.
Dear Lettie,
I really mist your funny and cool posts.
Thank you so much for the kind words you left on my posts.
Have a lovely day
Nice to have you back, Lettie. I love the little Christmas tree. I also like your choice in fabric. There's so much Christmas fabric in my stash it would be a sin not to make at least a couple of these sweet trees. I'll keep you posted :)
That is such a pretty crafty tree!
Bentornata!!!!! Un bacione!!
That is adorable. I love it!
This is so cute!
Cute! Nice to see you back!
Very cute Lettie!
cute tree!
Such a cute little tree! I love the fabric. You have such great ideas! Thanks for sharing and glad to see you back!
This awesome! I stumbled upon your blog few days back, and I keep coming back..:) you have such a fun & lovely projects..thanks alot for sharing them with the world..^_^
Where did you get your scallop-edge fabric scissors? I've been looking everywhere!
Bom dia
Só hoje vi a sua linda idéia. Vou copiar se der tempo até o Natal. Vou começar a te seguir. Um abraço
Great Tute! I'm going to use this to use up my OLD christmas fabric! Thanks so much. I'm gong to follow your blog!
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