This giveaway will include a quilted tote. It is 15-inches in width, 13-inches in length with a handle drop of 11-inches. It's a very nice size for carrying around your crafting or quilting supplies. And of course, a few other "surprises" will be included too.
A closeup...
THE RULES (There are many so please read carefully)
This time, the rules will be a little bit different (I like making things difficult, err, I mean fun). To enter, all you will need to do is to make a comment whenever you see a new post, starting from today through April 30. You can increase your chances of winning if you make a comment each time I make a post. YOUR COMMENT HAS TO BE DATED THE SAME AS THAT DAYS BLOG POST AND MADE IN THAT DAYS POST FOR IT TO BE ELIGIBLE. I seldom blog on weekends unless I have something important to say and usually blog anywhere from 3-5 days a week so be sure to check back often. This contest will end on April 30, 2008.
On May 1, 2008 a random date will be chosen, anywhere from April 8 all the way through April 30. For example if April 10 is chosen, all the people who posted on April 10 will be entered into the drawing. From that pool of people, one lucky winner will be chosen.
This contest will be open to everyone. Please, no "anonymous" posts unless that's your real name, okay? LOL If you have a blog, please link back to it when you post. If you don't, please make sure to leave your name (and don't forget to check back on May 1 for the winning name since I won't have any way of contacting you for your mailing address). For example, something like, Shelby T. from Middleton would be ideal as it will help me to distinguish you from Shelby T. from Honolulu. If I end up with three comments from three different Mary's, it could be difficult to determine the actual winner. It would make my life so much easier if you were to comment as Mary S. from Seaside or Mary K. from Seattle or Mary P. from Gainsville. Okay? And please, only one entry per IP address, per household, per day. I hope I have it covered. Any questions, please leave a comment and I will get back to you.
And last but not least, I'd like to give a shout out to the Garden Web Quilting Board gals. My stat count soared by leaps and bounds today. Thank you to Crafteedee for linking to my blog and most of all, I hope you all enjoyed the yo-yo tutorial.
Good Luck to everyone.
I just discovered your blog today and thought I went to heaven - I love all your yo yo projects as I also have a love for yo yos. How do you make the fabric leaves on your yo yo flowers? They look like they are folded but cannot figure out how you do it. Thanks. Anne from Texas
It looks like I picked a good day to search Blogger for directions on how to attach yoyo's! I've always wanted a bright yoyo cover for my bed and knew there had to be an easier way to attach them. I knew I'd find a crafty lady with a great tutorial. I'll be back to check out the rest of your lovely handy, I'd love to win your stunning bag, but even if you weren't holding a contest, I'd still be visiting you again. I'm always looking for inspiration.
Just found your blog and I am crazy for yo yo's. Your bag is really pretty and I would love to enter in your giveaway!
Sounds great! :)
Aloha! Just found your blog through Canton Village Quilt Works. Love the bag! On what island do you live?
Yay! I can see the pics!! Boy you sure know how to play hard ;-). What about folks like me who are half a day ahead of you? LOL Just kidding. I like how you rigged it so it heightens the element of chance, and the prize...well, everyone should want a chance to be the winner!
This giveaway sounds like fun. I'll be sure to check your blog everyday and say hello.
Just getting caught up on blogging and saw that you had another giveaway! Wow, you are fantastic! Thanks for doing another one! On to catch up on the rest of your posts.
Love your bag. Its beautiful! I really enjoyed your blog. I will be back.
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