Pincushions are progressing along just like I had hoped they would. The beading is almost complete. Felt flowers will be the crowning glory and then these little gems will be done. They'll be packed away and not seen again until late October. Whew, I can hardly wait!
I finally hauled out the felt and will be starting on the flowers today. I love looking at the array of beautiful colors.
My heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been leaving such lovely comments on my blog. I also want to thank you for all the great suggestions on how to use those fabric flowers from yesterday's post. I'll be sure to keep those suggestions in mind as I create a project around them.
On another note...Before I started blogging, I had been a blog reader for many years. I seldom left a comment, just loved reading and being inspired. Now that I have my own blog, I find it very interesting to see just how many people from cities all over the U.S. and all over the world drop by on a daily basis. My stat counter tells me that the majority of the people who visit never leave a comment even though they pop in daily. Some people even drop by 3 or 4 times a day. So far, this has truly been an amazing adventure. I hope to meet many more of you readers out there. Please leave a comment for me, I'd love hearing from you!
It's hard to imagine that we are already nearing the last weekend of April. The kiddies will be dancing around the Maypole before we know it!
I hope you all have a glorious weekend. See you on Monday!
***Don't forget to enter my giveaway. If you are new to my blog, please refer to my post of April 8 for the rules. The month is almost over, so hurry and get your entries in!***
Hope you have a great weekend - take a break from the pincushions! Do you use wool felt? Do you have a good source to purchase wool felt - impossible to find locally. Anne from Texas
Lettie - I just love the picture of your beads. They look yummy, like little containers full of candies. Now I want something sweet to eat.
I am glad to hear you are progressing so well on your pincushions. I am such a procrastinator, I can always find something to distract me from what I should be doing. Keep up the good work. Joyce in Iowa
Anne, I purchased most of my wool felt from Erica's, an online shop. I haven't located a local source and I doubt I ever will. If you can find something locally, you can bet that the selection wouldn't be that great and the cost would be significant. I do reach out to the internet for quite a bit of my craft and sewing supplies. In fact, 75 percent of my beads are also ordered online.
Here's the address for Erica's:
Joyce, I agree with you that the beads look like candy. I have a mean sweet tooth so perhaps that is why I am so attracted to them. My collection of bugle beads look just as yummy. They remind me of candy sprinkles! LOL
Sorry gals, I guess I left out the "Let" in Lettie on the above post.
The beads DO look like candy!!
I'm one of those lurker types who peeks in frequently but doesn't always leave a comment - so - hello from Ontario, Canada!
I love those beads too but I'm such a fat fingered klutz I know I could never do the beautiful work you do. I have just recently discovered blogs. I was hit by a car back in February and I can't do much even yet so I having a lovely time discovering lots of blogs. I'm saving all the inspiration I am getting for when I can sew again (shoulder injury - darn). I hail from Niagara Falls, NY.
Believe it or not, this little small town girl has been in your neck of the woods before. When I was young, I had many penpals from all over the place. One of those places was Lakeview, New York. At the age of 18, I travelled by myself to Buffalo to be in her wedding. We took several day trips around the area and Niagara Falls was one of them. Such an amazingly beautiful part of our country!
Sorry, I hit the enter button before completing my thoughts. I'm sorry to hear that you were injured in an accident. I hope you continue to recover and have the opportunity to sew once again.
Lettie - Thanks so much for your comments. I do love living here. We walk the dog at the falls and meet people from all over the world. He's a big clown of a Basset Hound who loves everyone. I will be in Lakeview tomorrow, he is also a therapy dog, and we take him to a camp for disabled kids there on Saturday mornings.
I am healing slowly, ay my age it is all I can expect. I don't miss going to work but I do miss quilting. Eventually I will be back up to speed.
Hi Lettie! What a wonderful bead collection. I just love the beautiful colors of your beads and the felt too. I enjoy the whole quilty community of people...good folks. I appreciate the work that goes into a blog and its fun to be inspired by the community of bloggers. I have been up the wahzoo in baby blanket making, finished one this week, made two more flimsy's and I am quilting one now. Between reading my blogs and quilting and do stay out of trouble!
I'm glad that I'm not the only person that has a ton of beads. I've been in a bit of a creative slump...because I was reading a very loooong book. I'm done with it and now I can turn my attention to other making a pair of wedding flip-flops for a gal I met through my blog. I agree, its so neat that so many people visit, I just wish the lurkers would say hello, but then again...I lurk sometimes.
ryc: the yo yo angel..yes..i love it..I may make more and more yo yos and just keep them in a zip loc bag until inspiration hits me on what to do with them!
Hi! I'm one of 'those' lurkers...I just found your blog, an really enjoyed it! Wow...lovin' those beads and your pincushions!
Hi Lettie,
I am just back from vacation and getting caught up on all of your posts. My you have been a busy little sewer! Unbelievable!! I love everything that you have done. You are truly one of those creative geniuses.
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