As you can see, I've also managed to incorporate fabric yo-yo's into a couple of pieces. After all, anything round like cherries are just screaming to be replaced with a yo-yo, don't you think?
Mouse heads back to the Vet this morning for more fluids. You wouldn't guess that he's ill because he's still carrying on like his old self. Here he is, sitting and shaking my hand and begging for a snack. How can I resist when he does cute things like this. I know it's not a great picture but I had difficulty taking the picture and shaking his hand at the same time. I'm obviously one of those people that can't do two things at the same time. LOL
I hope you all have a great day!
***Don't forget to enter my giveaway. If you are new to my blog, please refer to my post of April 8 for the rules.***
Awww, kitty! What's wrong with the poor fellow?
I think you are to hard on yourself and your stitching. Your two examples don't look bad. The cherry/ yoyo towels are too cute, by the way.
I still have to give you points for patience in trying your hand at embroidery. Sewing I'll do, crochet I intend to do, knitting maybe, but embroidery? Not a chance!
I hope Mouse is doing okay!
WHOOPS! Sorry Lettie! That comment above (dario) should have been me! I had no idea that my husband was logged onto blogspot and so I advertently left the comment w/o logging onto mine.
I think your embroidery is great and I especially love the yo yo embellishment. You certainly do not need Embroidery for Dummies!!! Anne from Texas
Lettie - I can't see anything wrong with your embroidery. It looks just great to me.
Love the cherry yoyos too. Those would make great kitchen curtains. Joyce in Iowa
Quit beating up on yourself about your embroidery. It is lovely. I do like the embroidery with the 'cherry' yo-yo's. It really looks good. What is wrong with Mouse? Poor kitty. He looks to be a real sweety.
I think using those yo-yo's as cherries is perfect. I hate doing circles with stem stitch because they always look wonky but the yo-yo's are nice and round and give such dimension. Thanks for that tip.
Your embroiderys are very beautiful.
Your kat is likeable.
Bye :O)
Mouse is a cutie pie. Hope he gets better soon. Lovely stitcheries too.
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