Thank you for your kind comments and holiday wishes. The same back at you, my friends.
I am once again in the process of cleaning and reorganizing my craft room (someone came in and blew it up again...hehehe!). I don't know about you, but I cannot create in chaos. My creativity comes to a standstill (like now) when my To-Do List gets too long. Anyway, January is the month of renewal and rebirth so I'm going to start it off right with a clean craft room.
Since I do not have any projects to show you, I thought that I would share a few of my favorite Christmas presents. I have been wanting these since I took an interest in paper crafting and now I have them in my hot little hands.
Coming from a mostly fabric background and familiar with mostly fabric related tools, these "new things" will finally bring me out of the Stone Age as far as paper crafting goes. I know that this may be old hat to paper crafters, but I know that they may be new to my fabric loving friends.
I have seen the Clip It Up used for organizing so many things. Since it spins, everything is easily accessible. There are dividers that come with it to separate each category. They also have a dust cover available for purchase to keep your items in good condition too. I haven't gotten very far with mine. For now, some of my scrapbooking supplies have been haphazardly clipped onto it. The dividers are not yet in place, but I'm getting there.
The Clip It Up seems to be a very versatile organizer that can be used to organize all sorts of things. One very creative gal clipped her folded fat quarters onto it . Can you say, amazing, colorful, and pretty?! Of course, you have to be a fabric lover like me to see the beauty in it. And then there is a gal who organized all of her recipes on it and keeps it displayed on her kitchen counter. This is a wonderful idea if you have the space for it. Check out the calendar idea that was posted this past October. Geesh, I think that I'm going to need a couple more organizers!
*Please note that I am not affiliated with this product (or any others) in any way, shape, or form, other than knowing a good product when I see one and wanting to share my excitement about it.*
Here is a link to the Simply Renee product blog. It is filled with oodles of mind-blowing organizational ideas. I bet you won't be able to stop reading it if you are an organization junkie like me. I practically lived there when I first came across the site.
Another product that I can't wait to use is my adhesive gun. This should make applying tape to my projects go much faster. As you can see, it is still unopened and in it's original box due to lack of time. I salivate just touching the box. If it is as good as everyone says it is, I know that I am going to love it.
I also received a Big Shot Cutting and Embossing Machine. I haven't used it yet, but again, I can't wait to try it out and make some pretty paper projects with it. Fabric lovers will be pleased to know that this machine will also cut shapes from fabric too.
This labeling system looks promising and can be hooked up to the computer for even more versatility. I'll soon be a labeling fool, I tell you. And a neat one, at that. No more handwritten labels for me.
Did you receive any must-have crafting supplies this Christmas? I would love to hear about it.
This year, I am going to be good to myself and not set too many goals. This just means that there will be a much better chance to succeed, right? How about you? Any new plans and goals for the new year? If so, I wish you much success in completing them.
Have a happy day!

I'm like you.. need to clean up now and again before I can go any further. And was all about fabric and quiltmaking, but now exploring mixed media and paper. So I'm admiring those Christmas gifts you received. That hanging thing... nifty! And the cutter... fun. Use them in good health in 2012!
Yes, I am exhausted :)
Hi Lettie, certain that this year you have behaved very well, and have since brought a fantastic gift. Happy New Year. roser
I got the tape glider for Christmas too! You are going to love it - it is fantastic!
Yes I am exhausted. Happy New Year, and thank you so much for this lovely blog. It is beautiful.
Keep up the good work.
-Samya :-)
Lettie, your new toys look like fun. I can't wait to see what you create with them. I am sure whatever you make will be cute and clever as always.
Take care.
Oh yes, the holidays can be exhausting.But I enjoyed them.
I wish you a great 2011. Take care of yourselfe
I received a $50 gift card to Hobby Lobby.....can you hear the angels sing????.......LOL! Its gonna be great fun!
I'm reading your Blog for some time, its great and I'm doing the same as you. Reorganizing my craft goods and I also got a Big Shot.
I'm sure you will do wonderful things with it :-)
Hi Arlette, where are you??:))I look forward to the work of,have a nice weekend:)
I'm late to the Bigshot world just a few months ago as well! I would love to know how you make your pocket tissue covers that have the curved edge, the ones you posted about on Sept 8, 2008. I can't seem to figure out how you pieced them. Would you please let me know how you changed the pattern from your tutorial you so kindly provided. Thank you so much.
The tape glider is awesome! But it gives little room for mistakes. Once you stick something down its STUCK!
Hope that all is well with you. I miss your posts and creativity. Take care.
Love art journalling myself, so was delighted to stumble across your lovely blog when it came up as 'next blog' after mine today :-) A pity it's not easier to link as a follower. Your other two are, but THIS one is the funkiest of all! Well done, greetings from Australia :-)
Arlette, just a little update on my condition. The cancer is starting to spread. I have a couple spots in my live now and more recently they discovered it has gone to my brain. I just finished 10 radiation treatments.
I seem to have lost your email address when my computer crashed a couple months ago.
Take care, friend.
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