I decided to see what it would look like with a tiny bit of fiberfill added to the petals .
The petals now look like little puffy pointed pillows. I like it.
Instead of a tufted center, I went with a stack of coordinating buttons.
Although the method is similar to the original, the end product looks slightly different. It now has a really nice chunky feel to it. I hope that you give this a try.
It has been a very busy past couple of weeks for our family. My son is now settled in his dorm room and my hubby and I have become temporary empty nesters (if you exclude the fur and feathered babies that also call this place home). It has suddenly become very quiet around here and something that the hubs and I will need to get used to.
I hope you have a wonderful and creative day!

Wow I love it.. also the new version... Soon I will give it a try,
Do you have something for the fall in mind... I'm out of inspiration..
I love it too and think that the puffy petals look great and I also like how you have got the buttons. :) Its great :)
I really like both versions...
Oi Arlete.
Lindas flore de tecido.
Flores sempre são bem vindas.
Lettie, I think both flowers are beautiful!!
Take care.
What a great idea!!! I love your blog, so full of beautiful tutorials and pictures. You are so creative!!
Your son will be ok and both you and your husband will be too! Just take your time, one day at a time. And fill your day with more of these beautiful works.
Greetings from Argentina
What a cute flower! We've been empty nesters for a little over a year. At first it is really strange and sad. But then you realize this is you and your husband's time. Relax and enjoy!
Tooo cute!
The ladies here in Amerika Samoa love flowers so one night about 30 women showed up and I taught them how to make your beautiful flowers...they had an awesome time.
I also teach a group of ladies to sew and crafts....and these gals just took off with these flowers, they had them in their hair, on their totes, on their shirts....it is just amazing how you have touched so many people with your creativity. Thanks soooooooooooo much!
They look great either way!
Hello! My name is Luciana, I am Brazilian and I would say I'm addicted to crafts. Whenever I go into the Internet for news and those that are more like those related to the tissues. Your blog is undoubtedly the most beautiful I have ever seen and explanatory. Thank you for gifting us with so many beautiful things. I'm sorry if there are any errors.
I would also ask, if not others, to make a step by step teaching how to put elastic, and sew the elastic in the pants, shorts. Aloha!
I really love the new version! Great job Lettie.
I liked your original tutorial and I like what you did with this one. Lovely.
Really pretty Lettie!! I've made a similar flower, but I love your centers.
Beautiful s new version!!!
Grazie Lettie!!!
This is beautiful. You tutorial is very easy to follow, and
you have a lovely blog.
I invite you to visit my blog, and zI hope you like it.
Marie and I would love to hear from you.
-Samya :-)
I found your blog through one of my email alerts and am so glad I did. You have adoreable ideas and I just love your tutorials. I am now your newest follower :) Have a great day!
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