To create these sugarplums, you will need 2 fabrics (white and a contrasting color), bias tape maker, fabric glue, scissors, an iron, a pressing surface, a needle, and coordinating thread.
*To make the candy wrapper, cut two 2" x 2-1/2" fabric pieces.
*Place the first fabric rectangle onto an ironing surface, right side facing down.
*Fold up 1/4" from both 2" ends. You will end up with a 2" square piece.
*Bring both raw edges to the center and press flat.
*Bring the 1/4" folded ends together. Press flat.
*With needle and thread, take running stitches at the 1/4" folded edge. Pull thread to gather and knot off. Try to hide your knots within the layers.
*Repeat this with the remaining fabric piece.
For this project, I used a bias tape maker that makes 3/4" single fold bias tape.
Fold the bias tape in half to create quarter fold bias tape that measures 3/8" in width. Press flat. You will need approximately 12" of each color to make the candy piece depending on how tight you roll it and the thickness of your fabric.
Place two bias tape pieces together and begin to roll it into a spiral pattern, adding fabric glue as you go around. The finished candy piece measures approximately 1" in diameter.
Glue the candy wrapper pieces to both sides of the candy spiral. I began by gluing one wrapper piece over the raw edge left from wrapping the candy spiral and then glued the other to the opposite end. This hides the raw edge nicely.
Spearmint flavored sugarplums.
Strawberry flavored sugarplums.
Refreshing peppermint sugarplums. I can almost taste it now.
These sugarplums would make cute embellishments on a Christmas-themed mini scrapbook, picture frame, or wreath. Or, just use it as decorations for your Christmas tree.
A garland would be really sweet with the addition of fabric yo-yo's.
These sugarplums are so much fun to make and so sweet to look at. Enjoy the tutorial!
Have a fantastic weekend.

Thanks for sharing the tutorial, must try this one..
Regards from Malaysia!
love all your DIY..
thanks a lot for the tutorial you have shown..
i"m happy with it..
regards from me
kakzaa @ Malaysia
Спасибо за урок,восхищаюсь Вашей фантазией!
Hiya, thank you so much for sharing this tutorial. I have just started to read your blog and have you fixed in my RSS feeder so I don't miss anything. I think these lovely little sweeties will look fabulous on my christmas tree. I think they would be great to for little gifties..
Thank you again
Adorable! And calorie free :o)
Hi Lettie! Oh I have the biggest sweet tooth around! Cookies, cakes and candies.. I love them all, so these little sugarplums are absolutely IRRESISTIBLE!! Thanks for sharing how to make them, and have a great weekend! ~tina
thanks!! so adorable!
Have a fantastic weekend you too.
How cute!!!!! I can see an entire tree decorated with these.
Thanks for sharing.
They are absolutely adorable and I can see these in a little girl's hair, too. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Great, you still have great ideas.
It would make a nice necklace too.
Good Sunday.
Fantastic!!! Thank you for tutorial.
Ciao Arlette!
Oh My! These are adorable! You are good!
Your imagination astounds me!!
Thank you so much for sharing!
LaVerne from Idaho
thanks for the lovely tutorial... They look so sweet...mmmmmmmmmm yummy
your creations are very very very beauriful !compliments
That is so much fun! I love the Christmas tree idea. Thanks so much for this, I'll be linking.
These look really cool,
Thankyou for showing how to make them
Take care
These are so adorable! Thanks for sharing...Now I need to go check out the rest of your blog.... I've never visited here before!
cute! great tutorial.. thank you so much for sharing!
Que idéia linda a sua...parecem balinhas,e muito fácil de fazer,não?
seu blog é muito lindo...
very cute!
As always, I love your creations! Makes me want to say that I am sick and go home from work and try them. They would be great just as bowl fillers also.
thanks for sharing! You're the best!
I absolutely love these - they turned out so well!
Really cute idea! They'd make a cute hair-clip I bet too! Will have to show them to my dd for her dds.
Hello ~ I just found you via Cut Out and Keep and I am SO glad I came to your blog. These little candies are such an adorable idea. Just super cute. These have so many great ideas swirling my head right now but the first was how cute those would be on a little dress for my Granddaughter, with a matching headband.
Thank you so much. Great idea.
I love all your tutorials. The fabric flowers are great to make. Your tutorials are very clear and easy to understand. I used your candy spiral idea for a shoe re-do.
If Possible please have a look
Olá.Obrigada por nos presentear com lindos tutoriais.Abraços aqui do Brasil.
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