Of course, it had to be made in the style of my latest obsession, mini scrapbooks. It's kind of shabby-chic in nature and very feminine too.
There is also a little velcro closure to keep the box closed.
The ring is made from the round cardboard center of a spool of ribbon. There is ample room for a small gift or a sweet sentiment. On the inside front cover is a pocket that holds a swivel scalloped greeting card.
I used a cereal box, the round center from a spool of ribbon, pages from an old paperback book, this wonderful YouTube video for making homemade glimmer mist and a few embellishments that I had laying around to complete this project.
It was so much fun to make and I am pleased as pie that I didn't send more "stuff" to the landfill.
Have a fabulous evening!

So so clever! I think it's the best use of recycled materials I've ever seen. Thanks so much for sharing.
What an absolutely fabulous idea! Wow, I must look at my rubbish closer. That is so cool.
It looks so cute.. Great idea
That is such a lovely idea, I would love to try and make something like this, you must have a wonderful imagination did you make the flower? I love your blog.
Your albums are just lovely
Hard to believe they came from recyclables
Hi Arlette, I have just read your post on the rag quilt and the yoyo's, how do you make a rag quilt? I think yours is breathtaking all those wonderful colours.
Love Jillxx
Oi colega.
Uma passagem rapidinha para felicitá-la pelo próximo dia das mães.
Tem mimo no meu blog para você.
That is so adorable, and useful too. Amazing that you did it all without buying new things!
Me again... I just used your grocery bag folding tute to fold up about 10 bags that were stacked under my sink in the kitchen, very haphazardly. Put them in an old coffee can. That is such a great tip (even though we've mostly switched to the re-usable grocery bags now). Thanks so much.. you have so many great ideas!
Hi Arlette! My gosh, this is so CUTE!! and such a great idea for little gifts and treasures! ~tina
OMGosh, I truly LOVE this! You should write up a tutorial.
Honestly, I don't think there is anything that you can't do. When I look at my pile of garbage, er recyclables, all I see is garbage. You have a very clever mind! That little treasure box is beautiful!
You do have the knack for creating, you put everything to good use. Your rubbish... ahem.... recycled items turned into a work of art.
Wonderful work! You have the coolest ideas!
Great idea! I'm always keeping something to recycle, thanks for the ideas!
That a lovely and recycled too :-)
Hi again :-) I posted a link to your project on here http://www.ggcaa.com/2010/05/pretty-recycled-papercraft-project.html/ as I am a contributor I hope you don't mind.
Another great idea! You are so inspirational! ~karen
How terrific is that...so love the velcro closure.
Thank you for a great idea! We have featured your post on our blog and would like to add a photo with the post. Let me know if that's ok as I couldn't find your email addy on your page :) Thanks! Monica
this is so cool and you video tutorial is awesome!
How clever it that!!!! Thanks for the link to the glimmer mist video. Take care.
I love your blog! You make wonderful things. :) Thank you!!!
You are so clever, it's adorable and I love making things from scraps.
♥ Olá, amiga!
Passei para uma visitinha.
Para você... com muito carinho ♥
"Quem tem o abraço mais apertado...
mais carinhoso...♥
e um amor tão grande... tão grande...♥
que apaga qualquer desamor?"♥
Feliz Dia das Mães!!!
♥Ótimo fim de semana!
Beijinhos carinhosos.
Hace unos días encontré tu blog lo estuve viendo, me gustó tanto que me hice seguidora tuya.
Te doy las gracias por compartir tus tutoriales con todas nosotras.Te seguiré visitando y dejando mis comentarios.
How lovely, Lettie! I just don't have the imagination to turn odds and ends of things into something so beautiful. They always just looks like odds and ends of the original objects.
I am in awe of your talent!
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