I believed in the Easter Bunny for way too many years. Even when I was old enough to reason, I continued to have my doubts about whether he actually existed. I am the eldest of 4 siblings and my parents kept the Easter Bunny legend alive and well for many, long years. Something inside of me said that if I stopped believing, I would end up without an Easter basket on Easter morning. So I continued to sorta-believe for most of my early years. Just in case.
I tried to keep the Easter Bunny legend alive with my son too. It worked when he was really young but when he got old enough to comprehend, he kept pressing me about how the Easter Bunny could possibly get into our house to deliver his basket since we kept all of our doors locked. Only after you have dealt with an overly intelligent, know-it-all, persistent 5 year old, would you come to understand the difficulty of keeping up the ruse.
Okay, so my story was an outright lie. I told him that the Easter Bunny was able to enter our home through our front door by opening the lock with the tips of his ears. I know that it sounds completely insane but that was a line that I had taken from one of his storybooks. If it was in print then he'd believe it, right?
Yes, I'm still asking myself, WHAT WAS I THINKING?? Couldn't I have come up with something better?? I will never forget how he challenged me and said that it was impossible and that I should stop telling stories and that lying was bad. The kid was as smart as a whip and wasn't buying any of it. As the years progressed, I blew the Easter Bunny's cover. I had to. It became increasingly difficult dealing with this issue. The kid had finally worn me down.
A part of me cannot wait to see how he will handle this with his own children. I hope that I am around the conversation just so that I can watch Mr. Smartypants get grilled the way he grilled me.
Yes, even though they were trying times, I still believe that it is a parents right to pass along these childhood legends. If I had to do it all over again, I would. Except for the part about opening the door with the tips of his ears. I'd probably change that to something about the Easter bunny and his magical powers or something. That somehow seems a lot more logical to me now. *Smirk*
A huge thank you goes out to Sandi at A Legacy of Stitches for inviting me to participate in her Good Eggs Giveaway. I expect that you will have loads of fun as there are a good number of participants giving away some really wonderful items. My giveaway is open to everyone. As you hop along the bunny trail, please be sure to read each participants rules as they may differ.
I thought that I'd pass along a small piece of Hawaii through this giveaway. I know that I live in a very special place thanks to generations before me who decided to make their home here in the islands.
This giveaway will include eight, 1/2-yard cuts of 45" dress-weight Hawaiian print fabric.
A box of Maui Caramacs and a box of Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts.
A box of Kona Coffee Macadamia Nut Cookies.
A Floor Buddy. I don't know if these are unique to Hawaii or not. They are usually kept in the kitchen on the floor to wipe up small spills. The bottom is lined in an absorbent terry cloth. You slip it onto your foot like you would slippers and use your foot to wipe up the mess. No more bending!
Lastly, a colorful Surf's Up mug for hot or cold beverages.
My giveaway will run from March 24, 2010 through midnight EST on March 28, 2010. A winner will be selected by random number generator on March 29, 2010 and the package will be mailed on March 31, 2010. Please be sure that you leave me a way to contact you should you be the winner.
To enter this giveaway, please comment under this post. Any comment will do but an Easter related comment would be much appreciated. One entry per person please.
Please click HERE to continue hopping down the bunny trail for more fun!

1 – 200 of 266 Newer› Newest»Easter can be pretty "iffy" here in northern Wisconsin, sometimes it snows a lot. I remember a year our neighbors hide eggs in their back yard the night before but it snowed like 8" and nobody found any eggs except the labrador. Thanks for such a nice informative site and the giveaway which I would love!
Hi, I love all the bright colors that come with Easter. Here in northern Sweden we still have a lot of snow and can only dream about Spring. When Easter comes it's a sign of Spring.
I'd love to win all the lovely things you are giving away and I can already see some nice projects done with that fabric,
Lotta in Sweden
I love Easter eggs and have fond memories of going round our house and garden trying to find eggs that the 'bunny' had hidden. Reading your story about the Easter bunny, I was the same way with Santa Claus. Even in High School I half believed, because I didn't want Santa to forget me, but I didn't want my friends to laugh at me. I tell myself I still believe, in the sense of Santa as the spirit of Christmas.
Easter means alot to me - a time for family gatherings, Spring's arrival, and remembering God's ultimate gift. One of my fave memories is of me hiding the eggs for my little sister. We had such fun!
Thanks for the giveaway - I'd love to win! :)
Hi Lettie, your giveaway is simply great.
I like the idea of the bunny who can open the door with the tips of his ears. That is so sweet.
I believed very long in the easter bunnys too, even when I found out that Santa doesn´t exist, I still believed in the bunnies.
I loved in the city in a big house, without garden. My mum told me, that it ios hard for thr bunnys to deliver all those eggs and therefor they run a shop, all the bunny familie ,dressed up in traditional austrian costumes (cause that where we lived) are standing behind the counter and giving eggs and goods to the parents.
She discribed that shop so great and I could´t wait to become older, cause only grown ups were allowed to see that secret shop. (hihi).
So this is my little easter story.
Please count me in for your great Hawaiian- Easter- giveaway.
I would love to check out that sweets ;0)
Have a great day
I love Easter, I decorated whole the house, with eggs, chickens all selfmade.. With Easter My MIL comes over every year, and we have a lovely Easter meal, painting eggs with my son etc etc..
I love to enter your draw.. I love the fabrics...
I remember finding out about the Easter bunny. We were playing outside when my brother got hurt. I ran in the house and down to my parents' bedroom. I burst through the door, only to see them with a row of baskets, counting out candies to make sure we all had the same amount. I cried. Then a few days later, on my 8th birthday I had a thought... If my parents were the Easter bunny, what about Santa Clause? And strange enough, I didn't cry when I figured that one out!
These are beautiful giveaways, thank you for the chance to win! What beautiful summer skirts I could make my girls with that fabric.
My 12 and 14 year old grand kid's still like to hunt for eggs at my house. I give them the first clue. I now put hints in the eggs to get them to the next one. At the end they get their goodies.
I would love to win your giveaway.
One of my favorite pictures is one taken of me, my middle sister and my brother. We are standing on the porch of my grandma's old farmhouse. We are all dressed up in our Easter best headed for church. It was taken about 45 years ago.
Wanted to say thanks for the grand giveaway also!
Wow, this is quite a generous give away! My favorite part of Easter was when the kids were small and we had Easter Egg Hunts! I continued the hunts after the kids were all grown for my special ed. students at school for many years. I can still feel their excitement and delight in the memories. ~karen
You made me laugh with your sharp-kid story. I remember my Mom saying in her frustration, "I hope someday you have kids and they're just like you!" My kids are a bit too old to do the egg-hunt thing, so these days we torment them by letting them know their favorite treats (Cadbury creme eggs) are in the house but they can't have them until Easter. Such a lovely giveaway, Mahalo!
Wow those are some great prizes. I have never heard of a "floor buddy" but I could sure use one.
Easter is special to me as an adult since I sing in the church choir. I love the joyous songs we sing at Easter. I also love the brilliance of spring and the warmth that accompanies it.
To the day they each left home, my girls still allowed me the pleasure of believing they believed ... in the Easter Bunny and Santa. We've NEVER talked about it. Even now, one will start to say something and the other will cut her off, "we don't talk about it, we believe."
We loved that the Easter Bunny hid our basket of treats! It was fun to find the sibling's basket and give them clues.
You son is adorable...they sell a magic key at most gift stores for Santa to enter at Christmas. You need a magic Easter Bunny key. :)
Hello Arlette, My name is Beth and I live in Florida. Happy Easter to You! My son was petrified of the Easter Bunny. Every picture we have he was crying. Well thanks for the chance to win -I would love that fabric. Stormybrew57@aol.com
This is an Easter story about 3 mean brothers and their 2 younger sisters. Many years ago DH was working on Easter (he was a firefighter). The boys went into the woods near our home with their b b guns and the girls and I went for a nice walk and to visit a neighbor a couple of blocks away. As we were nearing the house we saw the boys sitting in the driveway. As we got close the held up a dead rabbit they shot and chanted, "We shot the Easter Bunny, We shot the Easter Bunny" I just couldn't believe they were so mean. The girls were hysterical crying and to this day remind their brothers what a terrible thing they had done. After that terrible story can I still be entered in your give a way? LOL
Really wonderful giveaway, please count me in ! Hugs from France
Easter has always been my favorite holiday.I love the pretty pastel colored eggs and the pretty Easter dresses. It means a sign of Spring to me. By the way I never did like those hard marshmallow eggs that were always in my basket.
I would love to be entered in your drawing.
Hi Arlette, I'm also part of this giveaway and am going to post about it on my blog today. I love your prizes so I want to add my name to your giveaway drawing.
What I remember most about Easter was the getting to wear new and pretty clothes to church on Easter morning which was a very special day.
Connie W
We traveled to visit my parents one Easter. My young daughter was very concerned that the Easter Bunny wouldn't know she was at Grandma's. She wrote instructions for him and left it on the table at home. She was very relieved to find her Easter basket at Grandma's Easter morning.
Being the oldest kid in my family, I probably believed in the Easter Bunny longer than most kids - the parents had to keep up the ruse for the younger siblings. Our Easter Bunny always made a nest out of leaves from the yard and left a few hard-boiled, colored eggs in it - right outside the front door. (I learned later how worried my mom was that the eggs would go bad before we got up and found them!)
I would love to win every single item in your giveaway and that floor buddy would have been exceptionally handy this morning when I dumped the cat's water bowl all over the kitchen floor! Your blog is great, by the way!
I miss having kids young enough to believe in Santa, the ToothFairy, and the Easter Bunny. Of course, if I lived in Hawaii, the beauty may ease the ache!
Thanks for the great giveaway-- like the foot buddies-- if I don't win, I just may have to figure out how to make one
What a neat giveaway! Please enter me!!
I love Easter, because it's the time when we remember our Lord's death.. and resurrection! I know we'll be having some special activity at our church, but I'm not sure what yet :)
Thanks so much!
Rebekah (missionary kid in Chile)
Hi Lettie! Everything you are giving away is fantastic, but that floor buddy is really a great idea! We don't have those here. I usually just grab a paper towel and clean up the spill.
The best thing I can tell you about Easter right now is that my son, Keith, will be playing the part of Jesus in our church drama production on Easter Sunday! It doesn't get much better then that!
Have a very Blessed Day and Easter!
I don't remember my mom pushing the Easter bunny too much, but she always made us hunt around the house for our Easter baskets. She'd always hide them in really hard places so it kind of gave it away that she was the hider when she eventually had to tell us where they were! My mom still makes us kids Easter Baskets every year (there are four of us ranging from 18-27), and I think last year was the first year she decided not to hide them anymore!
Wow, amazing gifts! It's my birthday today so I hope it's my lucky day ;-)
I'm afraid I don't celebrate Easter...... but I'm from Italy (now living in the FL) and over there we buy and give chocolate eggs with a surprise inside. I miss those.....
I want to visit Hawaii sometime....
Come see my gift too
What a great blog hop/giveaway! Your fabrics are divine, and the story is all too true! Thanks for sharing.
I especially love that floor buddy....getting to an age where it's hard to bend, I could really make use of that!!! Loved your Easter Bunny story, too.
Lovely and generous giveaway! I don't celebrate Easter (and Passover has its own set of likes and dislikes) but I do love Cadbury cream eggs :)
I remember the new outfits every Easter we were given a new outfit .Coming from a family of 12 children this was a rare treat for us .
Easter here in Australia usually sees the first crisp, refreshing autumn weather bringing relief after a long hot summer. I love going to church on Easter Day and hearing the minister and congregation declaring "The Lord is risen" - "He is risen indeed!" I'd love to win a lovely souvenir of beautiful Hawaii.
Thanks for your lovely Easter story, Lettie. And thank you for your giveaway. Everything you're offering is beautiful. And please visit my blog today for a chance to win my handmade giveaway. Blessings.
Fabric for me, chocolate for him and a floor buddy for the 16 year old. It is a win win here and I'm glad I hopped in for a visit! I had hoped for a plane ticket to the islands..but this is a close 2nd! Hee!
Aloha Arlette! I'm on the hop visiting you. I liked reading your story about the Easter bunny - I agree with keeping the "legends" alive. Before we had children, my husband thought that "lying" to them about Santa/Tooth Fairy may not be right. But.... as the children came to us we decided that the wonder of innocence was far more important than worrying about what they thought of us when they got older. My favorite part of Easter, besides the Resurrection, is seeing the smiles on my kids when they find the hidden easter eggs. I LOVE it!! And now only 2 of our children believe in Santa, yet it is still amazing to see all of their faces when they see what Santa has brought. It helps make being a parent a little easier!
I visited Hawaii way back in 1978 and thought it was the most beautiful place on earth - I long to come back someday. My 10 year old son wants to go to BYU Hawaii and I am encouraging him like crazy!! LOL!
Thanks for the giveaway - the Hawaiian fabric is beautiful :)
Aloha Lettie, please enter me into your giveaway...I love the purple fabric and the foot buddy is such a brilliant idea, I've never seen them before. I did try and google happy easter in hawaiian, but alas, I've finally found something I was unable to google..lol Happy Easter to you and your family. Hugs Naomi (another "good egg" so hop on over to my blog and enter Lettie)
Wow, after reading your blog, I'm ready to go put on my grass skirt and start swaying to the music! Wonderful give-away stuff. Please enter me!
I think I had the same Easter problem as you... Didn't really believe but didn't want to miss out! I don't teach my children at all about the Easter bunny.
Beautiful fabric and wonderful giveaway!
One of the great things for my children about Easter is that they are so spread out in ages. My oldest two are 20 & 19 (in college), I have a 15yr old and my youngest is 9. What this means for the older ones is that they still hunt for eggs and get baskets! I know that my youngest knows better, but we still play the game. It's as much for me as it is for her!
I think our children used to get up just as early as they do at Christmas looking around for the eggs on Easter Sunday. I can remember making those crafty things with egg shells with the kids. I hope you and your family have a lovely Easter in Hawaii. Happy days.
Your give away looks awesome!
I love Easter because of the pastel colors and I love seeing my children all dressed up in new church clothes. Who doesn't love a good egg hunt?
I can't believe the Easter Bunny isn't real!
Your blog has given me lots of enjoyment.
Thank you
OMG opening the door with the tip of his ears ... ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! It should have worked, but your son just happened to be too on the ball to fall for it - I love it, lol!! In our house, it was the Bottle Bunny that came and took all of their bottles away when it was time for them to graduate to a cup :D
What a fun giveaway! I'm mostly interested in the floor buddy...what a great idea! If you would mail to Canada, please enter my name in your draw.
I LOVED reading about how you tried to keep the Easter Bunny legend alive...I laughed out loud! Ears as keys, indeed...very clever! I tried to keep all fun legends going as long as possible, and thankfully my children were not as bright as your "MR. Smartypants"! Thanks for the smiles today!
My faovrite Easter memory is when my girls were 4 & 5 and they were dressed in their finest new Easter dresses. Their father took them to McDonald's for lunch before we were going to the church egg hunt and BOTH of them got ketsup all over the front of their dresses. Great giveaway, come and enter mine also.
I can totally relate to you and your son. Mine did the same thing, telling me he had checked all the doors and windows and they were all locked. I wasn't creative and told him it must be magic. But he really bought it. Any way when I saw all the macadamia nut goodies I couldn't resist entering.
Hi Lettie wow what a wonderful give-a-way. Your easter story was very enjoyable to read and thank you for sharing it. I have never received anything from the islands before. I think I love the mat the best. This has been wonderful to share our blogs with old and new friends. Spring is the best time of the year. It is a chance for new growth and renewal and I look forward to gazing on more of your lovely pincushions..Happy Easter and Spring
Easter has always been such a fun and important holiday for my family. I loved easter egg hunts when I was little- I think my favorite thing still is watching my little boy do his easter egg hunt. Happy Easter! Love your giveaway!
Before my mom passed away we used to have great Easter celebrations. Mom lived in the country and we would have a kite flying contest every year. You had to make your own kite to qualify. My hubbie and girls would work so hard in the days before Easter perfecting their kite. It was great fun. Sometimes, depending on the weather, we would have to forgo the kite flying and have a sleigh riding party...lol. Ahhhh....memories, I will enjoy them.
Take care.
Hi Lettie, Love the your Easter story, kids are so inquisitive and that sounds like my brother. He ruined Christmas for me by telling me there wasn't a Santa Claus. LOL My favorite Easter was when I learned how to make a beautiful Egg, by wrapping string around a ballon with starch. It turned out lovely and I left a hole in the front for the candy. I made it for a gift and she loved it. Maybe you have seen these. Thanks for the great giveaway, love those Hawaiian fabrics and chocolate covered macadamia nuts. Yumm...
What an amazing prize! I would be happy with even just one of those great gifts!
I live in Ohio now, but I'm originally from Louisiana. It gets really hot there pretty early in the year, so Easter was always usually warm. My grandfather had a huge yard and would always have an Easter Egg hunt for my brother, sister, cousin and myself. Now mind you, this was back in the day of "real" eggs - no plastic ones for us! Anyway, one year he hid all the eggs and the four of us happily hunted to our hearts content. Upon finishing, my grandfather counted all the eggs - the one who found the most got a special prize. Well, we had found all of them but one. We all went back outside and hunted and hunted, but never found it. So...months later, my grandfather was out working in his garden and stepped on something. He said he was assaulted by the worst "aroma" he had ever smelled. Guess who found the missing Easter Egg? That was the last time we hunted "real" eggs - my grandfather switched to plastic eggs!
Have a wonderful day and blessed Easter!
Thanks for sharing your Easter Bunny story...kids most certainly ask alot of questions! It brought back memories of my daughter and the Easter Bunny, those questions and the year the Bunny almost missed our house!
I enjoy ready your blog
I love Easter because it means Spring, beautiful weather, outdoors and flowers. All good. Your floor mop is such an awesome idea, I have never seen anything like it. I need to check that out. Thanks.
I SO need that floor buddy! What a GREAT idea. My dog leaves me a large puddle of drool every morning while he watches me dish up his breakfast!
My dad hid those small solid chocolate foil-wrapped eggs for me every Easter until I graduated from college and got married. Then I hid them for my hubby and made him search, and now he gets into it too and hides them with me for our two kids. My oldest twigged to the truth about the Bunny the year he accidentally caught "Santa" in the act, but he's been great about keeping up the act for his younger sister. Last year, 8 years old, she was even convinced that the wild rabbit in the yard the day before Easter was an Easter Bunny helper scouting out the territory... We've added a note from the bunny telling us how many eggs are hidden so we don't have to explain how we know there is a 103rd egg still somewhere in the house, especially when we've forgotten where it could possibly be. (Just a couple of bags of those small eggs does add up to about 100!)
what wonderful prizes.
Have a wonderful Easter!
Robin in VA
What a sweet island giveaway!!! Now that floor buddy is awesome! I am always dripping water from the sink! Messy me!All those yummi-lishious treats!!
My babes never questioned Santa or the Easter Bunny. They knew the truth but loved the goodies!! Ha Ha!
Aloha! Love your Easter Hoppin' Down the Bunny Trail Giveaway. My mother believed in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus until she was a pretty big girl. She thought her parents would never lie to her. So sad because she was never very big on the traditions. She passed away 1/17/10 so this will be our first Easter without her.
Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks
Have a God Filled Day
A floor buddy! That is quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen (and No we dont ave them in ENgland!). Kath x
Cool giveaway.... Here's hoping! Darlene
Hi Arlette! What wonderful Easter tale you've come up with for your son. I need that floor buddy! : )
I love Easter! Most of all because I am Christian and the true meaning of the holiday is the real reason to celebrate. Easter was a very special time during my childhood. I have so many fond memories.
I would like to tell you that I really enjoy your creativity. You are a great inspiration. Happy Easter to you!
I used to love making pysanky with one of my mom's friends (usually the weekend before Easter so we could decorate with them on Easter).
Your presents are wonderful and of course I'd like to win! I prepare for the Easter little things, like pillows on my blog and we will make some colorful eggs too.
Thank you for the great chance,
Edit from Hungary
edige08 @ gmail.com
OMG!!! I would LOVE to win your Give Away Package :) How Awesome!
Now that I am a grandmother, my favorite part of Easter is watching the grandchildren scurry about for all those colorful, candy filled little hidden eggs:) And the best part is seeing the older ones share their bounty with those that don't find very many. Does my heart good:)
I remember easter bieng so fun when I was growing up....then I was pregnant with my second daughter during Easter....I loved dressing them up in dresses and going to their grandmothers for more goodies...wow , what a giveaway.. thank you. hope Im the won...hahhha won...get it....Happy Easter...
Aloha and Happy Easter from Florida. Your blog keeps memories of our visit to Hawaii fresh and lovely.
My current Easter story is that my sister, who has lived in Tasmania for the last 8 years, always emails me a couple of weeks before the holiday to remind me to buy her lots of "Peeps". She only likes the yellow ones, and she likes them stale -- so they're in perfect condition when she comes up for a visit to California in June!
I remember the Easter basket I got the year I was a freshman in high school - my Dad put the first Beatles album in there and when I found my basket he said, "That is only to be played when I am not at home!" Also, I LOVE the floor buddy! What a wonderful idea! Karin
My 9 year old still believes, and I think that she does so because it's just so magical and childlike to think that this bunny comes especially to see her. For years, we've told her that the Easter bunny kisses her cheek when he comes and leaves a magical kiss that only believers can see. For hours all day on Easter, she'll ask us if the kiss is still there, until, alas, it finally wears off. This has been as much fun for us as parents as it is for her...Thanks, and BTW, I really enjoy your blog! Ilene
This good hop has been a blast! Very international. And celebrating Easter is a great idea - lots of good memories.
believing in the magic of the season is so much fun to perpetuate for grands as well as your own children. as official gran to 3 and counting, today we are going to build a fairy house in the back yard just in case one drops by! put on your "i believe" button and go for it!!
Hei .
Busy Easter her in the snow. We got a lot of birthdays to celebrate... My mum on the 29. and Emmas first on the 31. ;-)
But I hope there will be a lot of sunny days to spend outside in the sun ..
Then I need speing... ;-)
Have a great easter- Hugs ;-)
I need a floor buddy! Please please please!
When I started to stop believing in the Easter Bunny, my parents planted a line of big bunny hop footprints in our new carpet. At the end of the footprints was a half eaten carrot. I loved it and believed for several more years. I can't wait to do that for my kids!
Очень интересная история. Пасхальные праздники это как сказка. Как прекрасно верить в сказку. И наши дети верят в сказку. И многие взрослые верят в сказку. Ткань очень нарядная, красивая. A Floor Buddy интересная идея. Очень полезная вещь в доме.
Very interesting history. Easter holidays it as a fairy tale. As it is fine to trust in a fairy tale. And our children trust in a fairy tale. And many adults trust in a fairy tale. A fabric very elegant, beautiful. A Floor Buddy interesting idea. Very useful thing in the house.
What a fun giveaway! I love your blog title. I can't think of anything Easter to share except that we're looking forward to hunting eggs with our neighbors.
Wow,, that floor buddy,, what a concept.. The giveaway is great and so much fun to meet new bloggers from all over the world.. Wow. Have a good one..
My girls never said anything about the same basket every year....Hmm
I'm a middle child and as a kid, I remember my Mom always wanting us to get into the spirit and fun of Easter. After finding our Easter baskets, we'd hunt around the house for dozens of plastic eggs. We'd always find them, but always re-hide them again and again, for MONTHS after Easter. My sisters and I have always loved "Hide and Seek" games.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have just stumbled upon your site (it's awesome!)and it seems a bit uncanny as I'm reading Moloka'i by Alan Brennert right now.
My favorite Easter memories are the two Easters I spent in Germany. It seemed so very "old world" and was a gorgeous way to usher in Spring. Old fashioned paper mache eggs filled with beautiful chocolates, daffodils and tulips everywhere...Schoen!
Thank you for entering me in your giveaway - I'd love to be so lucky!
Cheers, Andrea
Easter is a wonderful time for my family to be together. We are all so busy, but Easter is togetherness and peaceful. Thanks for being a part of this fun hop.
I LOVE that floor buddy, it's not something I have seen here. What a great idea.
Have fun,
Rachael. xx
Very cool giveaway! I haven't seen a floor buddy before, but it seems like a great idea. My favorite thing about Easter are Robbin's Eggs candy. Yum, malt filling.
WoW what a fun give away.
Thanks for the chance to win
Hope you have a great day.
I used to love hiding the eggs for our daughters while they were growing up! They always had a brand-new Easter dress, even if they sometimes had to wear a sweater over it. As for me, I used to look forward to the appearance of jellybeans, but now they're around all year. ;)
Wonderful giveaways. I am partial to macadamia nuts.
I love Macadamia Nuts... have never seen or heard of the floor buddy but I could certainly find a use for it. And what lovely fabric. An Easter story... A few older neighbor kids over heard my husband say that he did not believe in the Easter Bunny because he never got anything from him. Well, come Easter morning my husband found a lovely basket at the front door only to see the neighbor kids peeking out their front window to watch.
WoW! What a great giveaway! So generous of you. I love dyeing the eggs and then sitting down to a great meal.
thank you for the chance to win.I hope I can have dinner with my 2 grown kids this year. They both work and go to school and having them together is a miracle.
WOW you are making me look bad. lol Great stuff your giving away Lettie. I got mine up early this morning but only after you stopped by my blog. so come on back. :-)
I miss our chats. So it was good to hear from you.
Celebrating Easter in Minnesota can include snow about 50 per cent of the time, so dressing up in new Easter dresses and putting Easter bonnets on the children can often defy the thermometer, but there is no wearing parkas and stocking caps for the Easter vigil at church!
The fabric prints are fabulous and make me so anxious for a visit to your fine state! You are a Good Egg!
Love you giveaway, but then I am so addicted to fabric and OH MY what I wouldn't do for the Macadamia nut candy and cookies, I am drooling all over my keyboard just looking at the pictures, YUMMMM love your site and I stop in all the times just to see what you are working on.
Oh, what wonderful prizes . I have been to your blog before. Pretty colors and pincushions. I love Easter, because it really is the beginning of the rebirth season. We are always calving and I think the little calves look like bunnies nestled in nests as they snuggle in the hay. My girls loved dyeing eggs and looking for them. We kept the Easter bunny alive and well for many years at our house. In fact he still comes, but we haven't hunted eggs for years. I look forward to someday having little egg hunters again. Happy Easter!
Awesome give-away! I grew up in Louisiana. The Easter bunny always left Gold Brick Eggs (Elmer Candy Company) I can't find it here in Atlanta, but love when I make a trip to Louisiana near Easter so I can buy it there. This year I'm traveling to Louisiana the day after Easter. Hope I can find our candy. Take care!
What fun. And Hawaiian prizes on top of it. Maui is my favorite place in the whole world. Please include me.
I LOVE the idea of the Easter Bunny unlocking the door with his ears!!!!
Hello, I am Manuela from Italy!! Your blog is fantastic!!! I would like to say something special but I don't know the language.
Kiss I follow you
I have never been to Hawaii so maybe I can live vicariously through these great giveaways! Thanks.
Happy Easter Lettie, I enjoyed your post about the Easter Bunny opening the door with the tips of his ears....my parents had little means when we growing up...the best gift of all was there love and care for us.....Warm Regards Lyn
Church is first then it is time
for the Easter party.
Plastic eggs filled with coins, candy and small toys our fun to find after Easter lunch of Ham and all the fixing. Thank you for joining the give a way.
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
I have lurked on your blog for awhile now, enjoying your projects and talents.
My first thought of Easter is my dad's singing "Christ is Risen Today" in the shower loud enough to wake us down the hall!.
Your giveaway is fabulous, Arlette. I wish I could win but as hop hostess, I am not entering my name in the drawings. Those Hawaiin fabrics are just lovely. You have so many fun things on your blog! What a "Good Egg" you are to share so many wonderful tutorials. Hope you are enjoying this little "hop"!
Wow, what a terrific price pack you have put together - thank you! Never have heard of a floor buddy, but what a neat idea! As for the Easter hunt that took part in my family: we always missed to find some of the eggs in the rather big yard and every once in a while we would come across them during the summer. Yep, there you had melting chocolate eggs in the grass...
Wow, what a wonderful, unique giveaway assortment!! I love the fabrics, they are so colorful!
I love Easter and Hawaii! I am dreaming Hawaii now! Sigh...
Lettie, your Easter Bunny story was wonderful fun! My grandmother used to make a new Easter dress every year. She made one for me out of the same material so that we matched! Thanks for joining in with Sandi for this great hop!
Oh what a fabulous giveaway. They bring back so many memories. I've been watching lots of bunnies playing on the lawns outside even though they are still partly covered in snow.
We still leave treats out for the easter bunny and our baby is 19 now... LOL
Cath's Blog
Cath Ü
Cool giveaway!
I am excited for easter -- especially the day after. It's sad... but the SO and I always go to work a little late the Monday after because we stop at the store to pick up the pretty pastel colored candy at 1/2 price! Sad. I know. But we are graduate students...! :)
Thank you for the giveaway chance. Have a very Happy Easter!
I love Hawaii! I would live there in a heart beat! I love sunshine, water and a little sand. What does this have to do with Easter? Nothing! But I'm entered! ;-)
What a great giveaway. I'd love to win this. And I wish everyone a great Easter. :)
Hello as well, what a generous giveaway. Happy hop along to you.
Oh...I love Spring and Easter just because it is a wonderful time of year...and I love flowers and they all start to come out...
Your floor buddy is worth the entire giveaway...What a cool idea!!!
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
Hawaiian treats - if that doesn't bring the sunshine out, nothing will. It's been snowing here for the past couple of days and it feels like we've been plunged right back into winter. Every year, we get another dump of snow just before Easter. I would like, for once, to wear Spring clothes on Easter Sunday instead of boots and a heavy coat! :)
That's an extremely generous giveaway, Arlette! Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter! Children are so good at tripping you up in your tales, aren't they? :)I can't remember when my 2 "found out". From memory, they just stopped but believing but never really let on. Maybe they were afraid the chocolate eggs would stop, too! lol
I went to a private school so Easter was ALWAYS during spring break, we always visited my Grandma in NY for Easter, it one of the 2 times we saw her during the year, I always looked forward to it! Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway!
I love Easter as it means the start of a fresh new season - bright colors, yummy candy, green grass and flowers blooming. Wonderful giveaway - my fingers are crossed.
ALOHA.....what a fun goodie bag. I am HOPPIN to win. XXX
what a great give away.I love easter for the easter eggs. the have to be cold out of the fridge
I love Easter! Now that my kids are grown, the Easter Bunny visits our grandkids - so much fun! Thank you for the wonderful and generous giveaway. I visited Hawaii when my oldest and his family lived there and still have the beautiful fabric I purchased while I was there - I am going to make them into a snowball quilt with black corners to show off the beautiful colors.
what a wonderful give away....thanks!
What a great giveaway and what a generous group of bunnies you are! Thanks for the chance!
Easter in Hawaii is something I think I'd like to experience!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the Handcraft category today [24 Mar 10:04pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
what a giveaway! Please include my name in your draw.
I have added a link on my blog.
Hugs from Venezuela
I believed ion the Easter Bunny for a long time until I caught my mother putting my Easter basket next to my bed. I was suffering from one of many ear infections and just turned over at the wrong time. I love your bunny ears lock picking story.
Lettie, I have never seen a floor buddy. That is a clever idea and good for the ol' back. You have chosen very lovely and generous basketful. Your Easter legend story made me chuckle. My kids were very much into the Easter basket thing. Not sure that they really believed the legend, but we had fun anyway. I hope you have a lovely Easter.
What a wonderful Hawaiian Easter Basket your gifties are! I would love to win. Reminds me of my trip there a couple years ago to visit our neice and family.
Oh, my gosh! A floor buddy, what a cute idea! I love your fabric, I can almost feel the tropical breeze on my face! All your gifts will make an extra special easter basket.
Oh I love that floor buddy, and your other lovely prizes.
My youngest daughter wanted the Easter bunny to visit long after I wanted to keep inviting him to come. So eventually when I just said no more, I'm not doing it this year (she was probably about 17 by then) she just took over. Now I have grandchildren and their mom and dad have hooked up with the bunny. My youngest is away at university. I guess I should send her some Easter goodies in the mail
I love Easter!! Getting dressed up for Church, eating great food. Start of gardening & plooen season too!
Great prizes your giving away.
Thank you for the chance to win!
Thanks for the great giveaway. How generous of you. Love to watch our little grandkids hunt for their Easter eggs.
What a generous and lovely giveaway!! I have never seen the floor buddy, but it is really cute and I would use it! I sure "hop" I win your goodies.
Your lovely floral fabrics are so Spring-y, and Spring means Easter is almost here!
What a wonderful array of prizes! I remember an easter egg hunt with my daughters girl scout troop. I had hidden plastic and foil eggs in the tall grass surrounding the school and one of the girls found a nest full of robin eggs. Lots of ohs and ahs, and we quickly rounded up all of our eggs so the mama bird could get back to her nest.
Easter was my grandmother's favorite holiday. Every year the whole family went to her house for brunch. Thanks for have such a great giveaway
Oh Lettie, I love all things Hawaiian and would be tickled to win your giveaway. Now I'm off to hop over & see what other goodies I can find.
Love the floor buddy. What a concept. It is trying to be sping here is SD. dgallett@gmail.com
Oh what a wonderful prize. Would I love that piece of paradise to come to my house! I thought the floor buddy was way too funny!
My kids always wanted to know how Santa and the Easter Bunny got in also. I told them we left the front door unlocked so they could come in through the door. Needless to say the girls freaked out that a stranger would come in instead. Yup, that one backfired on me!
Your Easter bunny story is very cute! My family of origin has never honored the Easter Bunny. But Easter was my sister's favorite holiday; she passed away two years ago this summer, and I will always think of her when Easter rolls around each year.
What pretty fabrics and so many other great goodies too! Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway.
I have many fond Easter memories. One of the most entertaining was the year we threw all the Easter eggs down the road and watched them explode when they hit the cement. No one in my family will eat hard boiled eggs and my mom decided we should do something fun rather than just putting them in the trash.
Hi Lettie!
Great giveaway prizes!! One day I would love to visit your beautiful Hawaii!!
I love easter, the colours of early spring, tulips and daffodils and course all the evil candy goodies that come with the holiday! Thank you for having such a marvelous give away and being part of the mini bunny hop! Sharonj
Love the cute hawaiian things you're giving away, they're lovely!!!!, please enter me in the drawing!!!!!, we don't celebrate here the easter, I'm talking about the bunny, but I use to do, because I put some soft toys bunnies all around the house, and I can feel the spring, it's a wonderful season!
what a awesome giveaway. Would love that floor slipper! Anyways. Happy Easter and enjoy the holiday.
Aloha...to everyone...Lets keep the Easter Traditions going...I just love the easter egg hunt...love the look on the little ones faces when they come back with their baskets full of goodies...your giveaway is packed with lovely goodies....thanks for the chance to win...cheers LindaB
Wow those are some great prizes. I have never heard of a "floor buddy" but I could sure use one. We always visit my in laws for Easter and all the kids gather in Grandmas yard and hunt eggs..
Thank you for being a Good Egg!!
Coloring eggs, a new Easter dress, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins over for the day. And a giant chocolate easter bunny for all to eat!
My daddy used to hide the eggs outside. He would coax us with "I think there might be one nearby, over here. . " One year, it snowed the night before Easter. He hid the baskets inside. We all had our own color of Easter grass, so the baskets were hidden all over, and sometimes two in one place, but if it wasn't our color, we were encouraged to move along and give no hint. Anyway it snowed, and to make it even more real, my daddy painted white bunny tracks on the green floor of our porch. It looked like the bunny had left snow tracks from the outside door to the inside door. We were all just enchanted by this amazing bunny, and now by my amazing daddy. He was an artist by trade, so those tracks looked real.
Happy Easter, and thanks for the chance to enter a wonderful give-away.
Hola Arlette. Te escribo desde España. Aquí no hay tradición del Conejo de Pascua. Pero tenemos los mismos problemas con nuestra tradición de los Reyes Magos que traen los regalos en Navidad. En una casa pequeña, donde escondes los regalos para que no los vean? Y dejamos un plato con galletas y un vaso de vino, para que se repongan del viaje desde oriente.
Un beso, me encantan tus obras.
What a wonderful giveaway!!! I would love to win....thanks for giving me this opportunity..
Wow so many entries
I love Easter because all my family get together
I would love to win your prizes.
Easter to me is about Jesus and his reserection.
Easter is also a renewal of life in nature.
The eggs & candy doesn,t hurt either.
What a generous giveaway! We celebrate Easter and Jesus, but we always decorate with bunnies and baskets as well. Hope you have a great Easter yourself!
I know what you mean about keeping childhood legends going, like the EAster bunny, for your kids. They are so smart, aren't they?
LOVE your unique island prizes.
Pick me, pick me! lol
Thanks for being in this blog hop. It's lots of fun!
What a great package!! THANK YOU!!
Okay, my Easter Story is: As a young Mom I thought it would be fun to hid the Easter Eggs (plastic filled) outside in our back yard for my 4 kids to find. We hid them the night before using a flashlight, didn't think about that either. The next morning when we turned the kids loose to find the eggs, we found half of the eggs had already been found, opened and chewed on. The squirels apparently loved finding the brightly colored filled eggs! Oops!! So maybe that wasn't a good idea......
Wow, what a great giveaway! That 'floor buddy' cracks me up - I've never seen anything like it! And the fabric is lovely. I lived in Hawaii for a few short years a long time ago (as an army brat) and I still miss it!
I'm not sure we'll do much for Easter, since it happens to fall on my daughter's birthday this year. Oh, who am I kidding? The bunny will probably still come through, at least a little bit. :-)
What a great giveaway!Thank you for being a Good Egg!!
I live in Sri Lanka and love the bright colors of your fabric though I have never seen a Floor Buddy!!! Beautiful giveaway.
I've never seen a floor buddy before. I understand about easter - trying to keep it alive for kids, I think my son is past believing but says he does anyways.
Easter is a time of reflection and joy.
When we emerge from our cocoon
of doubt to fly freely
on the wings of faith.
May you be renewed and strengthened...
...in the promise of our Lord.
Holy Hawaii...what a wonderful bunch pf prizes. Your blogs is lovely and I will be a follower in a few seconds.
Raising my kids, Easter was always our jump start to a new year. The kids were excited about school ending, my hubby and I looked forward to spring and summer gardening and just life starting a new. We celebrated Easter big time...hunts, special meals and new clothes!
Each of your giveaways got better as I scrolled through them. Happy hopping. etshep@yahoo.com
Unlocks the door with his ears???? What a great line! I'll have to remember that when the grandchildren ask.
You have done a great job with your giveaway. I love those little floor buddy flip flops. I think I need to check into those. The Hawaiian fabrics and goodies are a wonderful gift as well. I have fond memories of living in Hawaii when my DH was in the Navy. We lived in Makaha and Makakilo and loved every minute of it.
What a wonderful giveaway. I'm currently working on a Drunkard's Path quilt with Hawaiian prints, for a charity quilt. I'd love to win your giveaway and use your fabrics with this quilt. Fabrics would look great together.
Thank you for the chance to win a little bit of Hawaii. I remember white gloves and a new hat at Easter when I was little.
Awesome give away! Wishing you a blessed Easter full of joy, chocolate and laughter!
Hopping on the Bunny trail,Such lovely prises. please come and join my give away draw too, if you have already thanks, I will be replying to all comments when I have the time.
wow, what a lovely and generous giveaway! I love the Floor Buddy and could certainly use it!
I would love to win this giveaway!!!
My kids had out grown the egg hunt but I wanted to do something for Easter. We had started giving them cash for all the holidays. So I hid their cash outside, gave them hints to find it. It was so funny watching the 4 of them hunt! lol
I'm hippity hopping all the way to your shores from Masschusetts! My son lives in Maui and I so miss him and all your beautiful weather. Thank you for the chance to win a bit of Hawaii.
Wow, what a giveaway! My children are starting to seriously question the notion of the Easter Bunny and Santa and the tooth fairy and other such things. Sad that they have to grow up! I just respond to their questions by saying, "What do you think?" and then let them talk it out among themselves!
great giveaway, please enter my name in the drawing
Thanks for offering such a cool giveaway for the Hop! I'm so in love with that Floor Buddy - I've never seen one before and think it's the coolest. Happy Easter to you!
I do not remember ever believing in the Easter Bunny. Our chickens gave us such beautiful colored eggs that I just knew they were delivered by the hens. We also had rabbits and I never saw one have anything to do with eggs or Easter. I did believe in Santa, tho.
Wow, what a huge giveaway! I love the Hawaiian fabrics!
I love the spring time here in Virginia - it's such beautiful weather. The new flowers and green grass are so lovely.
I must have those special fabrics!! i am in love withthe purple ones. Went to Hawaii on my honeymoon hope tp make it back some day.
You are wonderful! Thanks for sharing all of your great projects. Hoppy Bunny Trails!
What a great giveaway! I am sure that Easter in Hawaii is quite different from in the north where I am. Some Easters have green grass and sunshine, some Easters have a snowstorm! The weather determines whether our egg hunt is indoors or outside.
Ooh, it looks great.
I remember my Easters in Hawaii with great fondness. I was so wonderful to be assured of warm weather for the Easter morning services.
Somehow after seeing all your wonderful Hawaiian prizes, I just KNEW you'd have the most commenters of any of the giveaways (at least of the ones I've visited!!). What great gifts you've decided on! I would LOVE to be the winner!!! We never told our children about the Easter bunny or about Santa...I was devastated as a kid when I found out my parents had not been truthful with me and I didn't want my kids to experience that. They didn't miss any good times--we made sure that had plenty of fun and surprises!
Wow, what a fantastic giveaway. Please enter me into you draw. We used to have great fun at easter time by dying eggs with onion skins and flowers. we would place a flower onto the shell of the egg and wrap it all in onion skins and then in paper and tied it up with string. we then boiled the eggs till hard boiled and when cold we untied the parcels to see our handy work. It was always a surprise to see the finished results. purlyne at hotmail dot com
What an awesome give away!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win and if I do, I am going to make an hawaiian Crazy Quilt with those fabrics! Can't you just see how gorgeous that would be!!! and you know I LOVE that candy! :)
and by the way...
You have been tagged with the Sunshine Bloggers Award! Take a peek at my blog to see what it is all about! Congratulations!!
oops...I think I clicked to email comments to my live.com addy...
that would be incorrect...My earthlink addy is where I get all of my important mail.. :)
toodle oo!
Happy Spring! You have a lovely give away! I have fond memories of Easter with 2 little girls who would rehide the Easter eggs so they could go looking for them many times! Now they have children of their own and it's fun to see them find the Easter eggs, too!
My fondest memory is when my children were little and I forgot to put out the baskets the night before. My 10-year-old was smart enough "to know" what "I" failed to do and thought she had me awake early that morning to ask where her and my 5-year-old son's baskets were. In my groggy state of mind, I told her "across the road". She thought she was going to have to cross a 2 lane state highway to get their baskets and asked in such a tone of disbelief, "What are they doing across the road?!!!" Once I had fully awakened, the baskets were removed from their hiding places and all was well. She is 29 now and never lets an Easter go by without telling on me. I am loving this bunny hop because I get to see so many new blogs. Love your story and that you are in Hawaii. Hope to "hop" over there myself one day. You have absolutely wonderful gifts and I would love to win them! Please add me! Thanks!!!
I am so loving this blog hop and finding all these new to me blogs to follow. Love your give away and blog.
Thank you for a great give away! I love that floor cleaner :)
Here in NH we can have snowy Easters or Easters at 80 degrees... you never know!
We have no snow on the ground right now, but no telling what can happen in a week!
please enter me in your giveaway- I collect bunnies and have them all over my house. Thanks
Hello Lettie: I love your Easter Bunny story. I had to dress up as a bunny for a school play one year, and I cringe whenever I look at the picture of me in my bunny suit. It was beautiful because my mom made it, but I was a little big for a bunny. By a happy coincidence, I came across the pattern my mother used. It's so sweet. Happy Easter, and thank you for the chance to win your great giveaway..
What a great giveaway! I absolutely love the floor buddy--I have never seen anything like it; what a fantastic idea! Great mug and wonderful Hawaiian fabric! Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love Easter and all that it represents--a new beginning, Spring, and new life and freshness everywhere! My children love going to Grammy's for their Easter Egg hunt--it is one of the memories that will last a lifetime! I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
My son just turned 2 in Feb. so this will be his first year to actally partcipate in all the egg hunts and such and I can't wait until he wakes up Easter morning to see the basket of goodies the Easter Bunny has left!
I love your Easter Bunny story. I never believed in the Easter Bunny and for some reason, my parents didn't encourage us to. I did the same with my kids - we had a great time dying the eggs, and then after they were in bed, I finished the baskets and hid them. The search for the baskets on Easter morning was always great fun.
Great give away! Maybe as close to Hawaii as I will ever get.
I am just so thrilled that spring is finally here! Time to start thinking about planting!!
Thanks for the chance!!♥
How lovely. Please enter me, and if you post a link to my giveaway, you will be entered in a separate giveaway drawing just for the bloggers sponsoring giveaways for Good Eggs! Let me know if you link!
I became a follower too! I so enjoy visiting Hawaii, if only through my blog!
Hello, Arlette! What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for being a good egg!
I love your prize package. I am excited for Easter break so that I can get some sewing and quilting done during the daylight hours.
My son is 7 and still believes in the Easter bunny and Santa. The first year he remembers Easter I hid his breakfast (cereal, raisins, pretzel sticks) in the eggs for him to find. He hadn't really had candy yet. He still expects his breakfast to be in the eggs on Easter morning. The candy is in the basket at his place on the table.
Mahalo for the great giveaway. (I was born in Hawaii - navy brat).
I am loving the bunny hop as I have never been to so many different blogs and I am loving it..Easter in Iowa can be iffy on weather but I love Easter as it signals the rebirth and new beginnings ..your giveaways are fantastic.
Ummmmmmm...Chocolate! Goes perfect with Easter! Thanks for the chance to win!
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