I haven't had the time to make new tutorials lately so I thought I'd take you along for the ride as I create one of my own Christmas decorations. This little wreath can be hung on a wall or on the Christmas tree. It reminds me of the beautiful and delicate boxwood wreaths that you often see in country decorating.
To make the wreath base, you will need two 6-inch green felt circles with a 3-inch circle removed from it's center. You will also need a 5-1/4-inch circle of cardboard with a 3-3/4-inch circle removed from it's center.
Join both felt pieces together along the center circle using 6 strands of embroidery floss and a blanket stitch.
Add the cardboard circle between both pieces of felt, creating a "donut sandwich" with the cardboard acting as the filling. It is vital that you add the cardboard before you begin sewing the outside perimeter.
Begin blanket stitching the outside perimeter of the base. Lightly stuff with fiberfill as you go along. The stuffing should be placed only on one side of the cardboard. This will keep the back flat and the front slightly domed in shape.
Continue sewing until you have gone completely around the perimeter.
To make the leaves, begin with a 2-3/8-inch circle of green fabric.
Fold in half, wrong sides facing each other.
Folded both ends toward the center.
With needle and matching thread, take a running stitch close to the raw edge.
Gather, and tie off with a secure knot before cutting thread.
Make lot's of them.
To begin assembly, hot glue leaves onto the front (domed side) of the base. Stagger leaves for a more natural and eye pleasing look.
Continue gluing leaves around the base until it is completely covered.
Add decorations if you'd like or leave it plain. I decided to use mini red pony beads. Add a ribbon for hanging and it is ready to enjoy.
This wreath would look wonderful in an assortment of green fabrics. This is the perfect excuse to dig into your scrap bin and use up all of those tiny scrap pieces that you've been stashing away.
The holiday's are upon us and it is so easy to get wrapped up in the madness, especially when there is so much to do. Don't forget to take the time to sit back and enjoy the season!

What a darling wreath. I have been away from my blog for awhile and hope your husband is doing well. Prayers are still coming!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
That is a cute wreath! I will save the tutorial.
Today, I was baking Sugar Cookies for Christmas. The recipe is on my blog.
Hope that you & your hubby are feeling well.
Great looking wreath!
But oh my!!! What a button collection!
That is a great little wreath! The leaves really resemble boxwood!
WANT!!! Want want want!!! What a great project - I'll have to work on this for next year - it's gorgeous! I think the "berry" embellishments are the perfect touch!
Oh, love, love, love this! Please say you're selling them, too! Just totally adorable!
Hi Lettie! I love the wreath! Such a lot of work! You sure are creative!
Have a Blessed Day & a Very Merry Christmas!
Cool!! Thanks for sharing the info! Love your blog!
What a great idea! Easy and the result is wonderful!
This is so sweet. Thanks for sharing.
caaaaarrrrina!!!! bellissima! da fare subito!1
grazie per le tue meravigliose idee...
Beautiful wreath and so very festive. I bet your house shines at Christmas. You shoule post some pics of your house decorated for Christmas.
Have a great day and thanks for sharing.
What a great idea!Thanks!!!
Thanks.its fantastic.
ciao ciao
What a fantastic wreath. Thanks so much for putting this on your blog. I would love to make one of these - probably not for this year, but for next!
what a great idea. It's very pretty
Really really cute!!
Oh Lettie I love it I love it I don't think I will get one made for this Chrissy but I think it will be a New Year project for while I am on holidays where we have no electricity. Nice enjoyable hand worked wreath.
Thank you sooooo much for your wonderful tutorials throughout the year I do so enjoy reading your blog.
May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a joyous Christmas and Happy New Year.
(((HUGS))) Roz.
I love your wreath!
I'm a Lettie, too! At least to my family.
Absolutly phantastic,
I love your wreath, with the cute little berries.
Have a great weekend
You've outdone yourself, Lettie. The wreath is beautiful.
Olá Arlette!
Fantástica ideia e explicação 5*! Parabéns!
Olá, querida amiga!
Voltei porque fiquei com saudade do seu cantinho...
Continua encantador como sempre!
Que linda guirlanda... criativa, linda, única...
Você tem muito talento... parabéns!
Espero sua visitinha em:
Um ótimo fim de semana!
Beijinhos carinhosos.
Itabira - Brasil
Excelente idéia!
Muito bom o tutorial!
Parabéns pelo trabalho.
Beijos daqui do Brasil.
Very pretty! Thank you for shoving!
That looks like something to do on those long winter nights AFTER the holidays. Maybe I'll have one ready by next year....
Love the wreath! How do you find the time?
Wonderful project. You always give such great directions I feel I could follow right along.
It is so unique and nice.
Lettie - this is just darling. It reminds me of a rosemary wreath!!! Thanks for the creative idea.
Ciao complimenti per il blog e per i tuoi lavori, mi sono unita ai tuoi sostenitori, e ti inserisco nei miei blog preferiti, sono rimasta incantata dai tuoi lavori, se vuoi passare dal mio blog sei la benvenuta
Olá Arlette!
Sou do Brasil e também tenho um blog de artesanatos . Conheci seu blog e seu lindo trabalho e fiquei encantada com o Cupcake e sem demora publiquei o tutorial em meu blog colocando os a fonte claro, mas depois de publicar vi que você não permite , somente com sua autorização. Então venho para pedir que autorize que a postagem permaneça em meu blog, e se não permitir retiro imediatamente. Aproveito a oportunidade para pedir autorização para publicar o tutorial da guirlanda, pois em meu país as pessoas adoram o natal e esta guirlanda é algo novo e adoraria mostrar em meu blog.
O endereço do meu blog é :
Agradeço desde agora e espero contato.
Um abraço
PS: Seus trabalhos são muito lindos.
Olá,Lindo seu blog.Trabalhos maravilhosos,encantou me,Sou do Brasil e tenho um blog.Sou iniciante em Patchwork.www.simplesmentepatchork.blogspot.com
His garlands are very beautiful and creative. It has the true spirit of Christmas. Thank you for sharing this beautiful blog. I am very happy to know about your work.
Here in Brazil we have developed a work with watercolors - an event whose purpose is to promote the watercolor painting. We are three coordenators: Regina Komatsu Y, Deli Ribeiro and me, Marilu F Queiroz. Visit our website and check out our work.
Congratulations on your work. Merry Christmas and great New Year.
Marilu Queiroz F - www.universodaaquarela.com.br
Seus trabalhos são apaixonantes,parabéns!
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