To begin, create a 2-3/4" circle out of cardboard or ultra firm stabilizer. This will be used to keep the center of the yo-yo rigid. Remove a 3/4" hole from the center of the circle. You will also need an 11" x 3-3/4" piece of fabric, two 3/4" buttons, and a handful of fiberfill.
Place fabric onto a pressing surface with wrong side facing up. On both 11-inch sides, fold over 1/4" and press in place.
Sew short ends together to form a tube.
Press seam open. Turn right side out.
With needle and thread, take a 1/4" running stitch close the edge of one side of the tube.
Pull thread tightly to gather, knotting securely before cutting thread.
Add a small amount of fiberfill to the inside.
Add the cardboard circle on top of the fiberfill.
Top with more fiberfill. With needle and thread, sew a 1/4" running stitch close to the edge.
Gather tightly, knot securely, but this time, do not cut thread.
Slide a button onto the thread.
Stick the needle through to the other side. Add the remaining button to the thread. Continue sewing from one side to the other to secure the buttons in place while keeping tension on the thread to create a slight tufted look to the yo-yo center. Knot securely, cut thread.
You will need two holly leaves for this project. Draw and cut out a 1" x 2" holly leaf from cardboard.
**An easy way to make the leaf pattern is to first make a 1" x 2" grid onto a scrap piece of paper. Quickly draw holly leaves in each of the boxes. This is a good way to achieve simple shapes and to guarantee the desired size. Simply choose the leaf that you feel turned out the best. Transfer the paper shape to cardboard.
Trace the leaf shape onto the back of a small piece of Heat 'n Bond Ultra Hold (the non-glue side).
Iron the Heat 'n Bond to the back of a remnant piece of green fabric.
Cut out the holly leaves. Remove paper backing and iron both leaves onto a small piece of white felt. Trim the felt to 1/8-inch of the fabric.
Using a 3-inch piece of cardboard as your guide, wrap narrow ribbon around it twice. Tie a knot in the center to form a simple bow.
Cut 8-inches of embroidery thread, clear fishing line, or gold thread and sew it into the top of the berry to form a loop for hanging.
Hot glue or hand stitch the leaves to the top of the berry, just in front of the hanger.
Yo-Yo Holly Berry
Glue the bow on top of the leaves. Leave it as is or add a decorative jingle bell to the center of the bow.
Green and Red Yo-Yo Holly Berry
Yo-Yo Peppermint Kiss
To make the Peppermint Kiss, cut twelve (6 red, 6 white) 1-3/8" x 3-3/4" fabric pieces. Join the pieces together on each of the 3-3/4" sides using a scant 1/4" seam, alternating colors as you sew. Iron all seams toward the red fabric. This will create the fabric piece needed for the yo-yo. The directions to make the Peppermint Kiss is the same as the Holly Berry.
That's it! Make a tree full and have yourself a Merry Yo-Yo Christmas!

That is just the cutest YoYo ornament I ever saw. I will be making some of those.
Lettie what a great idea, its adorable, you are just too talented! Thanks for sharing all you do with us
Thank-you so much for sharing this tutorial and all your other great tutorials. I am hoping to get a chance to try a few!
Cute, cute, cute!!!!! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for sharing.
Take care.
Oh my gosh! I need to make like a hundred of these!
That is adorable! Love the peppermint one!
I'm always amazed by your creativity! Tha's another cute idea!
Thaks! (Again!)
Hi Lettie... WOW... I just love the idea you have for the Yo Yo Christmas... They are all so beautiful...Thanks for the idea, I will have to make some for my friends back east... Keep up the great blog and your amazing idea's... :)
So cute! I love all of your ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day!
These are so sweet! I really like the double yo-yo idea. Thanks.
bellissima idea, come del resto tutte le altre idee, utile da fare un pensierino per le amiche a natale!!!!
ti aspetto per le prossime idee!
Arlette, This is really a neat idea. Little white lights and the whole tree is dressed up for the big day. Thanks for the idea and that you shared it with us. Chris
Thank you Lettie! I will definiately make a few of these for Christmas!
You are defenitly a victim of the "yo-yo- fever".
Your ideas are very sweet.
Stupendi! Grazie Arlette!
Lettie thank you very much for putting the translator. Super!
Your idea of Yo-Yo Christmas is great, I showed it to my friends so they can also do.
Great idea as usual. You are too good!
Oooh, what a fun project! And so cute. Thanks for sharing.
Yo, yo, my girl Lettie :) Another cute project! I love yo-yos...I have some done for a pillow. Have you started Christmas gift sewing yet?
Have a good week....Love, Amy
that is so cute, and I have to make a couple of Christmas ornaments for a swap, and this would be perfect, a big, big thank you.
I must put a link on my blog to your, infact I am going to add a link to your site on today's post.
Gill in Canada
Absolutely fabulous!
Thanks so much for the tutorial. It is time to start thinking about Christmas.
very cute and a neat makes a great ornament..and you have got a nice blog..
Thanks so much for the tutorial!And you have got a nice blog!
This is awesome!!! I am going to make some for my Christmas Tree!!! Thanks for the tutorial :)
I'm so glad I ran across you - what a fun tutorial.
As has been said "I'll be back"!
Hi Lettie!
These are the cutest things ever! I am wondering if you would give me permission to make a dozen of them for sale in my etsy shop?
I'll be happy to give you credit for the pattern.
Hi Lettie,
Thank you so much for this great tutorial I have made some already and posted them on my blog.
I have to say that I love reading your blog and am always inspired. You deserve a medal with the amount of crafts that you do and for being the generous person that you are for sharing your creativity with people like me who loves making these beautiful creations but don't have the imagination to come up with our own ideas.
You are one special person
(((HUGS))) Roz.
HAVE to make one of these cute, cute ornaments - TODAY!! Thank you for your tutorial.
Sewing hugs and blessings..always.
Lettie - what a great tutorial. I will be making the peppermint for table decorations.
What a wonderfully cute idea. Thank you for sharing this!
Thank xou for this wonderful tutorial and a happy christmas time for all of you!
I found your blog and this craft on Pinterest.
Just wanted to say thanks and I love these little yoyos.
I am including the peppermint one in my 30-days of handmade ornaments that starts today.
Check it out if you are interested
What a wonderful craft! I do a holiday craft day with the kids in my neighborhood each year. They would love making this! Would you be willing to allow me to print off the directions for them to work from. We all sit around the table and work together so I'd only need to print a couple of copies.
Thank you for this consideration.
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