I am very forgetful and as the years pile on, it gets worse and worse. I knew exactly where I was heading yesterday when I jumped into the car and made my way down the street. About a minute later, as I approached the main intersection, I couldn't decide which lane I should be in to make the correct turn. I mean, do I go left, straight, right? Where was I going, anyway? It was a crazy moment of deep confusion. Luckily there was a red light and it gave me some time to regain my bearings. The good thing about living on an island is that the worse that could happen to me is that I drive around in a circle. I mean, it's not like I'm going to end up in Oklahoma or something. Anyway, it freaked me out. This kind of stuff usually happens to me while I'm at home. I'll walk into a room to get something and totally forget what it was that I was there for.

If that wasn't the kicker, when I turned on the radio, Silent Night was playing, followed by a slew of Christmas carols. Talk about feeling confused. After listening further, I found out that a local radio station was hosting a Leon Day campaign to bring awareness to drunk driving. They play Christmas tunes for the victims that won't be around to hear it during the holidays. Whew! For a moment, I really I thought that I was losing it.

What a day! Long story short, I did end up where I intended to go. I picked up a file cabinet at Office Max. The plan is to spend the weekend sorting, shredding, and filing.
Hopefully I'll remember the plan. Old age bites, I tell you.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I got such a giggle from your post today...I've done that before too!
Just wanted to let you know I've really been enjoying the projects on your blog! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
I second everything you just said - this forgetfulness is the pits.
But if you somehow drive to Oklahoma, just call me and we can quilt or craft together, OK?
Lettie, I hear ya! I have those senior moments all the time.
By the way, I love the eye glass case you posted today. Very pretty.
Take care.
I've done that before. Kinda scary when it happens when you're driving isn't it. Hmm, it's leon day again? I guess I missed it. Oh well. Nice eyeglass case.
Very sweet eyeglass case:-) I love it!
I feel your pain! I forget where I park my car at least 5 times a week! I forget what I was looking for, forgot where I put it, etc! Love the eyeglass case! Hugs, michelle
Hello. Very nice the your blog!
You are smart, you sew beautiful ones!
I am happy about being allowed to read you!
Oh Lettie, we all do that! It is frustrating though isn't it. I have on occasion gotten in my car to go somewhere and then realize I was heading to a whole different destination--like ending up at the fabric store instead of the grocery :0)
I just hate days like that. The funny thing is that they seem to happy when we just have too much going on. I am convinced it has nothing to do with age. At least that is my story and I am sticking too it. I just love your eyeglass case, it would make a wonderful rotary cutter case too!
Oh, Lettie, I really understand what you mean here about the "mental pause". I do think that more than age being the reason is that we just have too much going on in our minds.....Now, take a deep breath!
I'll email you a few brain stimulating quizzes.
Have a great weekend!
I do the same thing all the time! It's disconcerting, but we all get a giggle from it. ;)
Love the eyeglass case! Are you going to give instructions, pretty please?
It is said that genius and madness is very close.
Im believe that creativity and forgetness is close as well.
You have all this wonderful creative ideas in mind.
There isn´t place for everything.
And so you just have to forget some unimportant thinmgs like, the way home (giggle)
I have been deep in thought and missed my turns while driving. Thankfully, I didnt'get too far off course. That's the worst while driving, but often go to a room and wonder why I went in there. I am sure it is because we have so much on ours minds these days. Just keep creating all these beautiful projects so that we can enjoy them.
The eyeglass case is beautiful.
The eyeglass case is beautiful.
Wait, did I say that already?
Thank goodness it's not just me who does that! Between the hormones and the sleep apnea, it's a wonder I ever kept a job! lol
Hi Arlette, I have been catching up on blogging and enjoying seeing so many beautiful creations. Don't feel bad about the memory thing, I tried and tried to get into my Twitter account today...could not think of my password, it happens to us all:) I never forget how to get to a quilt shop though:) Blessings, Jenna Louise
I think we can all totally relate! By the way, your photos are fantastic.
Yeah, I agree getting old stinks. I did have to giggle though when you said you were glad you were on the island. Omega three fatty acids are supposed to help with memory too.
I don't think you are suffering from advancing age, it's just that your brain is full up with exciting and fascinating things! Kath in England www.railwaycottage.blogspot.com
Arlette, all of your ideas and tutorials are greatly appreciated. You are indeed one talented Gal. What you experienced happens to all of us and I agree that in your case its because you have all these thoughts and ideas swirling around, waiting to get out. Love the eyeglass case
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