This is a hand-pieced pincushion made from 20 hexagons and 6 squares.
And it's reversible too!
My collection of hexagons continues to grow. I am beginning to wonder why I am so fascinated with these and why they're growing into such a huge obsession. Hopefully they'll be turned into something pretty real soon. In any case, they're lovely to look at just the way they are.
Have a good day!

Holy cow! I think you've surpassed Cathi! lol
Dear lettie,
you are so great!
I imagin you, surrounded by hundreds of pincushins.
Everyone should have an obsession!
You have had so many gorgeouse ideas, that I´m quiet sure, that you will find a usage for the hexes.
Today I made my first, second, third.... posie pushpin.
I wanted to do that, from the moment I saw them on your blog, but I ´seems that I haven´t had the time yet.
Today I started with it and I love them.
It became more and more. Maby I make a pincushin in this style (I just have one).
Thank you for sharing that great idea.
Have a good day
Love that pincushion! Great idea! I love the way you have your hexagons stored! You come up with the neatest stuff!
Hexagons are amazingly versatile! There are some absolutely gorgeous quilts made with them. Now I'm thinking I have to drop my basket block for tonight and go back to the half-inch hexagons for some stitching. :-)
I am SO glad you're having fun with them. Just give in and enjoy!
Lettie, this Hexie pincushion is great! I love it. You have the niftiest [is that a word? lol] ideas. Visiting your blog is always fun.
PS: I have your "yarn from T-shirts" on my back-burner for knitting this summer when it's too warm to hold wool. I'll let you know how I do. Thank you for this great idea!
Lettie, I love your hexie pin cushion.
You are so organized with your hexie storage. How clever of you!
Thanks for sharing.
Oh I love the pincushion, what a great way to use hexagons and to make a wonderful pincushion.
You are tooooo much, Miss Lettie, The Hexie Lady. Adore the pincushion made with them and am going to try it. A real good idea the way you have them stored. Where ever do you keep it all? Thanks for sharing
You're fascinated because ..."we can't heeelllppp it" :p *giggle*
Love your Pincushion!!... I gotta tell ya...I've been dreaming up one of these too!! ha ha..see it's not only you!! We'll see how my dream turns out... *wink*
Oooh and look at your wonderful hexie collection growing... Go girl!!
Simply beautiful.
Robyn xx
The problem is that pincushions are just too fun to make. But we spend a lot of time sewing so we need beautiful tools to work with. I love your hexie collection too. I am looking forward to seeing what you create with them.
Love the pincushion. Boy, have you got it bad. Can't wait to see what they turn into. You're so creative. I keep wanting to make a pincushion, but always get side tracked by other things. BTW, I taught one of my students how to make the folded hexagon for her crazy quilt pillow.
Hello! What a collection of pretty hexagons you have! and I absolutely love your pincushion as well.
I just found your blog,I go to make a tour now and watch the other things you made.
many greetings form Hungary:Manka
The pinchusion is fantastic!!!!
Bella la tua raccolta di esagoni!!!
You've got the fever too!! I just love all of them!! i love the hexie pincushion. You go girl!! I have the fever too.. I can't stop. But it certainly isn't a plea for help, keep on going!
I love the last picture of all the hexes lined up in the box. It's the definition of "beautiful obsession".
Very nice organization tip and the pin cushion is very cute!
Happy sewing!
Zlaty :)
Your hexie pin cushion is fabulous! You're so creative! :0)
What a pretty pincushion. It is so colorful! I need to learn how to use hexies.
OMG! You are so organized! I am impressed. I wanna be like you.
I love that box of hexies! So organized and inviting. What a great idea to help you keep track of how many you have in each color.
Never too many pincushions (or I'm in trouble).
Love your organized box of hexies. I am going to have to try some of those...but I need another obsession?
You have made a great pincushion . i wished i had one in my collection .
Greetings from Belgium
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