I've combined 2 fabrics and placed each hexagon paper shape on the seamline in different locations. I'll refer to the one on the left as horizontal and on the right as vertical.
This is a kaleidoscope effect that you can achieve by playing with tones. Notice how the triangle center jumps out at you, very similar to a kaleidoscope. This is a combination of horizontal and vertical hexagons with a plain center.
The following arrangements aren't sewn together. They've been loosely arranged to give you an idea of the kinds of options you have. I could have gone on and on with this, but I stopped at just 4.
You can achieve a whirlygig that actually looks like it is spinning by using vertical hexagons.
If you placed a printed hexagon into the center, you would have a hexie within a hexie. This design uses vertical hexagons. The consistent placement of the prints and solids make this design work.
This is a combination of horizontal and vertical hexagons arranged in rows. By rearranging the prints and solids, you can achieve a different effect.
These are made up entirely of horizontal hexagons which have been placed in a row. Again, rearranging the prints and solids will give you a different effect.
Another idea is to place the seam at random locations on your hexagon. You can even add more than 2 fabrics. When combined into a quilt, they will become a Crazy Hexagon Quilt.
Halvsies are very versatile. But, don't forget that you can do this with any paper shape. Adding these to your repertoire will allow you so many more design options simply because there are more fabric combinations to play with.
My apology to all you hexie purists out there. This girl just wants to have fun!
Have a good weekend!

You are having just too much fun with these hexagons. Cathi's going to love these!
That is incredibly cool.
interesting take on the hexagon. I have not made any hexagons in a very long time what you are doing with them is great and I bet your finished project is going to look beautiful.
Karen on the road
Arlette, I just recently found your lovely blog but I had to tag you because it's so uplifting and beautiful. You may stop by my blog for the rules. Thank you so much for this wonderful information!!!
I like when there is a lot of fun going on, it makes for more interesting work! I just love what you did, again you just blow me away with your creativity!
Creative gal!
What a talent you have, Lettie! I'm so impressed by your seemingly easy ability to think outside the box. I'm one of those people trapped inside the box, so thanks for giving me a lovely window to peek out.
Lettie, your creative mind never ceases to amaze me.
So many different looks just by rearranging the hexies is ingenious.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.
Great idea. I love the whirlygig so very much.
Hello. I discovered your blog about a month ago and have been following it ever since. I am fascinated with your hexies.I have been looking around the internet for tutorials on making those. Do you leave the paper inside until you join them together? Do you sew your hexies by hand? Can you make a hexie tutorial? I love what you have done.
Oh how clever! I love how much it adds to the design. Nice job!
I just came across your blog today and I am so happy that I did. I'm mainly a cross stitcher, but I also quilt, just haven't done much of it in a while. Your blog is giving me a lot of inspiration. I love those half hexagons and I love the pincushions and your tutorial for the pincushion. Your ideas makes me want to go full throttle into quilting again!
It's very good idea Letie! :)
My favorite is the combination of vertical and horizontal ones!
Happy sewing!
Wow, this kalaidoscope- hexes look amazing, that is such a creative ides, AGAIN.
Have a lovely weekend
Oh Lettie, leave it to you to put a fun twist into this traditional block! THAT is why I love coming to your site!
Surprising these experiments
Wow you are amazing!!! I really like the effect you get when done this way!
You are SO inventive! I love what you've accomplished with these pieced hexagons!
Half hexagons are fun -- and you can make so many other things with them!!! And then there are quarter hexagons and third hexagons - hexagons are just a never-ending delight!!
wow those are sweet..reminds me of candies!!
That is just the neatest thing. I love it. I imagine you could twist and turn those halvsies into a zillion different patterns. Great.
These are beautiful!
Such creativity! I love it. You sure are having fun with those hexies
I don't normally go for the hexie thing...but these have changed my mind. Will be keeping this in mind for a baby quilt!
Wonderful idea and such beautiful creations you've come up with. Love it!!
These are beautiful. I love the kaleidoscope effect.
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