On another note...I kept all of the metal buttons from the pile of denim jeans that I dissected over the weekend. I just couldn't resist.
They make very unique and interesting embellishments for denim fabric flowers. This makes the pack rat in me want to save everything in sight!
I snapped this photo outside of my home today. Very ominous and angry skies. It was very difficult to take indoor photographs and you can see why. Decent natural lighting was hard to come by and it felt cave-like all day. I anticipated a huge downpour but not a drop of rain fell from the sky. Very bizarre.
I would like to send a hug to all my readers and to all that have left me such sweet comments. Thank you so much. You really uplift me and make my day so much brighter.

Lettie, So glad to help in making your day brighter. I just love seeing what you are up to, and this post is no exception. I love this idea with the leftover buttons from the jeans. I hope today is a sunnier day!
Ugh.. you know I just gave about 30 pair of jeans to GW 2 weeks ago.. I feel sick now.. lol. I've been lugging them around for a few years and got tired of looking at them.. now I see all the possibilites :( Now I have to go find chocolate to make it all better...lol. Have a great day!
Lettie, congrats on the weight loss. I knew you wouldn't stay on that plateau forever.
Great idea for the jeans buttons. Thanks for sharing.
great idea on the buttons. Until looking at your blog I had not been interested in making flower pins or anything like that - but seeing yours has gotten me interested.
Congrats on your weight loss. I had lost some then gained some back. Last night I got on scales and about had a spell!
You think of everything! Would never have thought of using the jean snaps and buttons for center of flowers! You win the creativity award for reusing no longer useful items for something useful and pretty to boot!
I am loving this jeans recycling thing you have going on (since I have a huge stack of untouched jeans of my own!) And I love the symbolism of having a pic of all those cast-aside jean buttons with loser Monday -- Great Job!!!
Congrats on the weight loss progress! Very kewl denim button project! Wow! Now I have to get my purse done so I can blog it back!
Big Kudos on the pound lost!!! LOVE your blog!
What a sweet thing to say about your readers. Looking at your sky picture, I can see how you might need your day brightened a bit! :-)
We had a storm yesterday...3 or 4 blocks away from us they recorded 4inches with flooding while we got 1/2 an inch. Nature certainly is interesting!
Your denim flower is wonderful! I can see lots of ways to use that. Your "pack ratting" is a good influence on us!
Who else would have thought of jeans buttons as artwork? But they're really pretty all together that way!
Congrats on the weight loss!
Buttons, buttons, I love buttons too! Love what you do with them.
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