When I first started on this blogging adventure, it was mainly to keep my family and friends informed of what was happening in my little world. Each time that we would see or speak to each other over the phone, I was constantly asked what it was that I was making at the time. I felt that this blog would serve to provide them with updates which they could retrieve on their own time.
Somewhere along the way, my visitor log grew and this blog has taken on a new path. I am very happy to say that many new friends have been made along the way. I am still so amazed at how many of you have found me. I am very pleased, although I do confess, a little overwhelmed. Who am I kidding, I am very overwhelmed.
As you've already heard me say, each year at this time, I go into panic mode. It has become a tradition! LOL It is actually due to the stress of getting ready for Fall craft fairs. This year has proven a bit more challenging with blogging added into the mix. As I twist and turn and maneuver myself through the Fall season, please know that I will be here as often as time allows.
These tissue holders were completed over the weekend. Forty-two, to be exact.
You may be the lucky winner of this pretty Fall sunflower tissue holder...
Along with this Sunshine Posy handbag...
To be eligible for this giveaway, please share your favorite holiday cookie or dessert recipe along with the reason why it is special to you in my comment section under my post of September 3rd. You will not be judged by your recipe. The giveaway will end on Monday, September 22, 2008, which also happens to be the first day of Fall. A winner will be chosen by random number generator on Tuesday, September 23, 2008.

I have been given the Javablu Award by the lovely Kathy of Kela's World. Kathy is a quilter with a wonderful eye for color and design. Her latest project that she recently completed is a lovely aqua and brown block which was designed by a member of her quilting group. It is absolutely stunning and not to be missed. Please drop by and see it for yourself. She is also an animal lover (A+ in my book) and shares her home with several cutie patootie fur babies.
Kathy, I would like to thank you for honoring me with this lovely award.
These are the rules according to Kathy:
*The winner can put the logo on their blog.
*Link the person you received your award from.
*Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
*Before listing the nominees give a brief reason why you chose them.
*Put links of those blogs on yours.
*Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated.
I have chosen 5 very deserving bloggers to pass this award to...
I would like to introduce you to Wendy of Ivory Spring. If you love pretty things, then this blog will be one of your favorites. Wendy is a quilter, a producer of lovely hand-stitched items and a collector of absolutely lovely pottery, porcelain and other fabulous things. The images on her blog are breathtaking and beautiful and very well orchestrated. Her blog has a way of making you feel that you are a part of her beautiful world. Please stop by and say hello. One look at her quilts and you will be hopelessly in love with her work and everything that she has to offer.
Please meet Laurraine of Patchwork Pottery. I have known about Laurraine's work for some time after seeing images of her fabulous creations on Flickr. She is a very creative and imaginative designer who is inspired by Japanese quilting. The items that she produces are very unique and beautiful with so much attention to detail. Laurraine's blog is one that I'm sure you will be adding to your favorites.
Sharon of Red Geranium Cottage has a very fun and entertaining blog. First and foremost, she is a fabulous quilter and creator of beautiful stitched items. You will enjoy seeing all of the wonderful things that she makes. Her blog is jam-packed with beautiful images. She also celebrates life and friendship in a way that we all should. Sharon is a very creative writer and I adore her sense of humor. One visit to her blog will have you coming back for more and more.
I would like you to get to know Jodi of Simply This That and the Other. She is a fabulous quilter, stitcher, and paper crafter. In fact, she has a wonderful Fall project called Holiday Home Leaves that she shares directions to on her blog. This project was recently published in Holiday Home magazine. You go, girl and a huge congratulations to you. Jodi's blog is filled to the brim with beautiful images of her work and her daily life. Please stop by and say hello. You will be glad you did.
I first became aware of Kari of Crafty Ginger after following an image of the cute cake pops that she makes. I have been hooked on her blog ever since. She's a knitter, a paper crafter, and a talented dessert maker all rolled into one. If you are a knitter, you will especially love seeing the very intricate projects that she makes out of some of the most beautiful yarns. Fill your life with some eye candy and head on over to her blog.
To all of the gals that I have given these awards to...I want you to know that I am aware of how busy you are and that you may not be able to pass these awards on to others because of time constraints. If that should be the case, please just enjoy the award and remember that the purpose of this award is to honor the inspiration that you have shared with others.
I hope you all enjoy these blogs as much as I do.
This is going to be another busy week. Added to the regular grind will will be a dental appointment (which I'll be heading to in a short while) and tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment for a follow-up to several minor surgical procedures I've had over the last couple of years. At present, I am devoid of a fibroadenoma and a gall bladder. I know, I know, a little more than you'd rather know. LOL Anyway, stay safe from the storms, all you East Coasters. I hope you all have a fabulous day!
My Oh My! What a day! I'm totally flabbergasted to have received two awards today! Thanks so much Lettie. You are very kind! ;o) ooxx~jodi
I love your tissue holders!
Nice tissue holder!
I have also been jotting down the recipes everyone is leaving in your comments. I can't wait to try some of them.
Congrats on you blog award.
Those are beautiful tissue holders!! I love the special touches you have put on them.
Thanks bunches for the award - I am honored! I will be posting about that on blog for my Wednesday post.
I love your tissue holders. Actually, I love all your projects. You have such great ideas.
THANK YOU!!! How wonderful. I really appreciate all the nice things you said.
I'm gonna put it on my blog and nominate 5 also. But it's gonna be tomorrow before I can do that. But I wont forget. Thank you very much. I'm honored.
Love the tissue holder -- it is, like all your projects, so creative. Hope you get through the craziness of Fall Craft Festival time relatively unscathed!
Thank you sooooo much Lettie!
I am honoured and I also thank you for the note in bold letting me know not to feel bad if I don't pass it along. I am new to this blogging thing and am finding it hard to keep up with the posting. I have been given about 7 awards in the last month and know that I can't possibly keep up with that but I wasn't sure about "proper blogging etiquette". You have made me feel better and thank you for the wonderful things you have said about me :o) I will definitely pass on some of my favourite blogs when I am ready.
Big Hugs,
LOVE these Tissue Holders! The pattern looks different than your Fancy Tissue Holders pattern/tutorial. Have you written a tut for these Tissue Holders???
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