Thank you for your lovely comments about my latest handbag and for your feedback about my recent computer woes. I appreciate that you take time to stop by each day to see what I've been up to. I really do enjoy reading your comments. I'm way behind in my replies, but I'm slowly catching up. If you haven't heard from me yet, I promise you that I'll be stopping by soon. After all, I can't let myself miss the opportunity to see all of your lovely blogs and projects.
I wanted to see what this handbag would look like if I placed the yo-yo posie on the left side instead of on the right. Since I was experimenting, I also changed out the fabric to a more sophisticated print. A handbag with a large yo-yo posie on it usually warrants cutesy fru fru fabric (like my first handbag pictured below) so I wanted to see what a more sophisticated print would do to the design. I think the new fabric combination works well. I'm going to try it next on a more modern retro print(oxymoron) to see what it will do to the design. What do you think? Posie on the left? Posie on the right? I'd appreciate your opinion on this one because I simply can't decide.
Here is a close-up of the yo-yo posie.
The original handbag for comparison.
It looks like it's going to be another wonderful day in paradise. Beautiful blue skies with a few fluffy cotton candy-like clouds rolling by. The only thing missing is the cool weather. What I would give for cooler weather!
Have a fun and creative day.
Another great bag! I like the fabrics. Personally I like the posie on the right. I guess I am just a right brain person. But it is lovely either way. Maybe it is the heat that makes it hard to finish up those projects! I seem to have that problem. It is so hot here. I can't wait for the cooler months, although it doesn't seem like there are many of them anymore.
Keep up the good work and have a blessed day,
I like them both, but here is my thinking - I like the posy on the left because if I were using the bag I would use it on my left arm and if I put it on my shoulder, the posy wouldn't disappear under my wing, um, I mean arm. Does that make sense?
I like both bags also. Don't feel bad, we have a heat warning out for today and tomorrow.
Janie in MO
I like the posy on either side. I love your fabric combinations in both bags. As a matter of fact, I have not seen anything of yours I did not like. You just have a knack of putting things together that look good.
Although,if you wanted to give that second bag a little bling, you might add some beading to the posy like you did the lollipops. This is just a suggestion.
The purse is cute either way. I'd call one spring/summer colors and the other fall/winter. But maybe in paradise it doesn't make a difference! Have a good week!
I love them both....Love love your designs! Kathy
Really I like the posie on either side, but if I HAD to choose, I'd probably go with the right side! Very Cute!
I don't know--either side looks great. Is it that important? The fabric combos are wonderful!
Absolutely gorgeous handbag!!!! Love the sophisticated version the best! Is this your original design!
I really enjoy seeing what new projects you come up with as your work is always exquisite.
I prefer the flower on the left -- but like them both! I love the fabrics you used for the new one!
You can send the hot weather here, if you like! We haven't had as much heat this summer as I would have liked!
I think Lorraine is right - if you're a right shoulder person you need the posie on the right, if you're a left shoulder person you would need it on the left. Love them both though.
The bags are just lovley....
Who would've thought that the placement of a posie would become such a hot topic? What Amanda says does make a lot of sense though.
Wow Lettie, you're just blowing me away when I read words like entire weekends and mountains. If I were you I would just whittle down the blog to 3 days a week (at most) as I'm sure readers would understand how crazy it becomes the closer it gets to xmas. Bags look a heck of a lot more involving than just doing yo-yo posies!!
BTW, yes...Hawaii should do a sagra of the taro leaf. I am not too keen on the idea of GMO taro...period...and am irked that the taro is one of the indigenous crops being experimented on. An event celebrating the taro leaf would make people more aware of what Dr. Frankenstein wants to do with our Hawaii stuff!!
I like them both and I think that the choice of fabrics its what make the big diference. I agree that the first remembers summer and the second remembers winter. Both gorgeous!
I love the bags!!! Is there (will there be) a pattern for this? They are truly wonderful.
Both bags are wonderful, but I really Love! the one with the darker fabrics. I prefer the placement of the yo-yo on that one also. Sorry to here about your frustrating day. Hope all is resolved.
I like them both, but the first comment about on which arm you carry a bag and the yoyo dissapearing under your arm is a good one! I wear my bags on my right shoulder, so the flower should be on the right side..
You should sell the pattern as well; it's great!
I love the darker bag, with the flower on the left, I hold my bag on my left shoulder and I am right handed. I think your yo-yo lollipops are just the neatest thing!
I really really REALLY like your bag design, Miz Lettie ... it's fun and fresh and fanciful ... both fabric combinations are lovely. Yoyo placement - either side works for me!
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