I have recently been given blog awards by several people. I have been so busy with life that I could never find the time to sit down long enough to do a decent post about it. So, with a super-duper cuppa joe by my side, I will sit in front of the computer and introduce you to some pretty amazing people from many corners of this big, beautiful, blogging world.

I have been awarded the Arte y Pico by a lovely gal named Clare who has a wonderful blog called Sorta Frugal. Clare is a fabulous seamstress and every Friday she sews up something beautiful and shares it with her readers. She is a very giving person and has dedicated much of her blog to honoring other bloggers. Please check her out for some great links to some really fabulous bloggers. She's a very creative and entertaining writer too, so her posts are fun to read. Thank you so much for the award!
These are the rules according to Clare:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.
4.The award winner and one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules.
Here is the link to where this award originated Arte Y Pico.
I have chosen 5 very deserving bloggers to pass this award to.
I'd like to introduce you to Jackie who I have known since I began blogging. She's so passionate about quilting that she has turned her love into a business. Jackie's blog is called Canton Village Quilt Works. Please stop by for some very creative inspiration and wonderful eye candy. If you're a quilter, her blog is not to be missed.
I have also had the pleasure of knowing Joyce since I began blogging. She has a blog called Crafter Thoughts. Joyce is a very kind and giving person and a fabulous crafter too. She recently became a grandmother for the second time. She's posted photo's of her cutie patootie new granddaughter, Olivia Grace, on her blog. You can almost smell that "new baby smell" right through your computer screen. Yes, she's that sweet!
Stephanie is a wonderful friend and a fabulous quilter. She has a blog called Scraps. I think what is most outstanding about her is that she is a caring humanitarian. When I think of Stephanie, I think of what an outstanding citizen of the world she is. She sponsor's children who are in need of the basic necessities in life through a wonderful organization called Compassion. She recently blogged about a day that she spent fasting in honor of children that are forced to skip meals simply because they just don't have the means. The emotion of her day and the feelings that it evoked touched me in a very profound way. I urge you to visit her blog. She's truly a beautiful person.
I'd like to introduce you to Netter. Her blog is called Nothin but Nett. Netter is a fabulous quilter. She does share her quilting on her blog but she also shares "life". I think she is an excellent, creative, and entertaining writer. You will not be bored by the stories she tells. Some of them are pretty funny too and will bring a smile to your face. She's really a sweetheart of a gal. Just stop by and you will know what I mean.
Diane is a wonderful person who I have recently come to know through her blog called Crafty Diane. She has a genuine passion for treasures from the past. She was recently given some much loved items from her dear aunt. I think her aunt knew exactly who to give them to because she knew that Diane would treasure them and preserve them for future generations to enjoy. Diane does beautiful handwork and she loves fabric just as much as I do. Check out her blog for an eyeful of beautiful embroidery creations and fabulous quilts.
Just when you thought I was done...I have been given another award. Yes folks, my trophy case is filling up.
Please meet Alicia from Curiosities 808. I recently ran into her blog when I was doing some research on a method using crayons to color embroidery pieces. You see, I have been wanting to learn this method for a long time. My previous experiments were horrible and looked like a 5-year old had done them. Well, Alicia does a fabulous job of blending her colors and what amazes me is that she does it on felt which is even more difficult than coloring onto fabric. If you have never heard of this method before, please check her out. She does some really fabulous work.
Alicia has given me this fabulous award. Thank you so much.

The rules are as follows:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.
These are the people that I have bestowed this fabulous award to...
I have been visiting Rowena's blog called Rubber Slippers In Italy for a really long time. I kind of forget exactly how I found her, but it definitely had something to do with the planning of my trip to Italy last year. I find her blog to be humorous, amazing, brilliant, and educational. She delves into interesting subjects that you'd probably never hear discussed on most blogs. I have learned a great deal from Rowena. Ranging anywhere from culinary to just plain life adventures, you'd be sure to find Rowena's blog a fabulous read because she has an enchanting and smooth writing style. Sometimes it's kind of edgy, sometimes it's rather funny, but mostly it is about a warm-hearted love of the place she now calls home, Italy.
I would love to introduce you to Janie who's blog is aptly named, Crafty Janie. She is a relatively new blogger who recently entered the blogging scene. Janie enjoys beading, quilting, and embroidery. She recently made the most adorable patriotic cupcake and apple pincushions for a swap that she participated in. She's a really sweet gal that I've recently come to know. Janie, just in case you'd like to know, I have my eye on that cupcake! It's just too cute!
May Britt has a lovely blog called Abyquilt. May Britt is a quilter from Norway who includes embroidery pieces in her quilt designs. I recently read that she has been invited to participate in a really fabulous project with other well-known designers. Congratulations, May Britt. You truly deserve it for all of the beautiful work that you do.
Please meet Amanda and her blog called Amanda's Musings. She makes some truly amazing stitcheries and quilts. You will also enjoy her blog if travelling is one of your favorite pastimes. She takes you on holiday with her through beautiful images and well-written words to very special places throughout the United Kingdom.
I have the pleasure of introducing you to Cheryl of Polka Dots & Rick Rack. I fell instantly in love with her blog just by the title alone. How can you not love a gal who loves polka dots and rick rack. She has done some really amazing quilts, and lots and lots of them too. You must check out her blog for some pure eye candy.
Lilly has a blog called Lilly's Stuff. She is a fabulous quilter who includes beautiful stitcheries in her quilts. She has a spunky personality and I know that by the kinds of comments that she leaves on my blog. Lilly, you're a sweetheart and I if I didn't know any better, I'd believe that you were my long-lost aunt because you'd be a perfect fit in my family.
I'd like to introduce you to Annette who has a fabulous blog named Sunshine Yellow. Every time I visit her blog I want to lick my computer screen. She is in the process of making the most delicious, colorful, whimsical quilt you have ever seen. It looks just like candy to me. She is a fabulous quilter and she loves pincushions just like I do. Gotta love her. If you have a need to feed your sweet tooth, just visit Annette. Loads of eye candy, I tell you.
Okay, it's not over yet. I opened my email this morning to yet another award. My trophy case is now bulging and ready to topple over.

I'd like to introduce you to a fellow cat lover by the name of Linda. Her blog, All About Cats, is cute and fun to browse through. She makes beautiful cat-themed fabric items that are just adorable and can be purchased through her Etsy Shop. Linda, thank you for the award.
These are the rules according to Linda...
Once you've been selected, please follow these guidelines and pay it forward:
1) Choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material, and overall contribution to the blogger community, regardless of the language.
2) Post the name of the author and a link to his or her blog so everyone can view it.
3) Each award-winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award.
4) The award-winner and the presenter should post the link of the "Arte y pico" blog , so everyone will know the origin of this award. Here is the link to where this award originated Arte Y Pico.
5) Please post these rules!
My five picks for this award are...
Please meet Lorraine and her blog called Paper Vernissage. She is all about rubber stamping and paper crafts and is an Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator. She has a fabulous eye for combining color and makes the most beautiful, eye-catching paper projects. You will be totally awe inspired when you visit her blog. Believe me, it's a must see!
I would love for you to meet Laila who writes a beautiful blog called Jacobs Quilt. It is a very interesting blog which is centered around quilting, stitcheries, and fabric related items that she makes. Laila lives in Norway and also includes many images of her beautiful country throughout her blog. She also has a gorgeous bird named Jacob. His grey colored feathers are strikingly beautiful. Her blog is a very enjoyable read with lots and lots of pretty pictures to look at. (((Klem, Laila!)))
Chantal has a very beautiful blog called Stof en Draad. She has an immense love of cross-stitch which is very evident throughout her postings. She also loves quilting and other fabric related handcrafts. Chantal lives in Belgium and she shares images throughout her blog of her beautiful country. She has a very well-rounded blog filled with lovely handcrafted items that I know you will truly enjoy.
I believe that you will find Rhonda's blog to be a very interesting read. Her blog is called A Home With A Smile and in this day and age is quite insightful with the state of the economy being the way it is. She offers so many household tips that will help you to save money and she quilts too! She's very creative and I'm sure you will love her.
Judy has a very neat blog named Judy's Postcards Plus. She is an avid collector and seller of vintage post cards. The postcards are a blast from the past and are so much fun to look at. She also shares her beautiful handmade cards that she makes. Everything has a vintage feel and I'm sure you will enjoy browsing her blog. The post card images are sure to conjure up some really fond memories for you. They sure do that for me!
To all of the gals that I have given these awards to...I want you to know that I am very much aware of how busy you are and that you may not be able to pass these awards on to others because of time constraints. I understand. If that is the case, please just enjoy the award and remember that the purpose of this award is to honor the inspiration that you have shared with others.
I want to thank everyone for giving me such wonderful blog awards. I now have enough awards to last me a lifetime. My trophy case is bulging with delight. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I will be back sometime this weekend with another post. I'm too tired to do anything else other than to take a little nap. All of this typing and linking blog addresses has me bleary eyed.
Have a fabulous Friday.
Lettie, thank you so much for the lovely award! The honor is more than I deserve--but I will accept it with gratitude.
Then I'll probably want to smack you for introducing me to more fun, creative bloggers I will HAVE to add to my daily reading list!
There is so much inspiration to be found out there in blogland--thanks for being part of it.
Hi Lettie,
I was just checking in on my blog from my vacation in Alaska and found a wonderful comment from you!! Thank you so much for giving me this award and feeling that way about me and the content of my blog. The feeling is mutual. When I return from vacation I will update my blog to follow the rules. Have a wonderful day!
I am sooo honored!!
Lettie - Thank you for the lovely award. I am truly honored.
The new granddaughter came home today and they only live 2 blocks away, so you know where I will be spending much of my time. I will follow the rules and pass this award on, but it may take a few days.
Thanks again, Lettie.
How very kind of you Lettie to give me this award!! I always find so much inspiration from your blog and so much enjoy all your creative ideas. But now I see I have a whole bunch of new blogs to visit! Thanks for sharing all these new sites with us!
Hi. How kind of you, I love your bolg too. And all your great ideas. WoW.
You always inspire me to do a lot of your small items. Have a wonderful day. You realy made mine shine.
Big Klem from Jacob and me. ;-)
Lettie: Thank you so much for this award. What a surprize for someone who is just starting to blog. I'm learning so much. I will add the award and the rules later today.
Thank You so much.
Janie in MO
Dear Lettie,
I am so flattered and amazed to get a blog award from you! Your blog is just wonderful and I think mine is pretty amatuer. But thanks so much and you really made my day!
I am also enjoying exploring the other blogs you awarded, they are so nice.
Arlette, thank you so much for the award! You really made my day. It makes me feel so good to know someone finds my blog enjoyable. I truly love all the things you make. Your blog is so inspiring to me. Keep up the good work!
You deserve the awards! Thanks for saying such nice things about me. I'm not THAT good of a seamstress, LOL, but I love doing it. Just don't look too closely or you'll see all my mistakes...
Thank you so much for the wonderful award. That was so nice of you. I feel honored to be one of the blogs you look at. I LOVE looking at your blog...it is always so inspiring and cheerful. A great day brightener. Thanks for your encouragement and for being kind. I will have to think of others to pass it on to.
Whee! Thanks for the award Lettie. As you might have noticed, I've done nothing pc-related over the weekend as there was just so much to do. Hard to believe that the summer months are half over! This morning I was doing some "mending"...well sort of. The dogs ripped the face off a stuffed animal and I'm putting a mask on it aka Hannibal the Cannibal. Ha!
I have been "travelliong" along with your blog and I had to stop here for two reasons. One, Your blog is amzing and your creations are beyond words!!Well done! you give us heaps of ideas and a lot of inspirational work!! Two, I know the person who created this award and I did the translation intyo english! yahooo!! It feels quite funny!
Great work and please keep doing this forever!
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