Not much to show you except for these two flower pins that I made yesterday. You probably already know how much I adore making fabric flowers. The petals are the same as the ones used in my Handy Dandy Pincushion tutorial. I love the versatility of fabric flowers. You can make them into simple pins like I did or use them as an embellishment to other fabric items.

I've recently been given a blog award by my lovely friend Joyce of Crafter Thoughts. She has a wonderful blog that I know you will enjoy. Joyce, I am honored that you have chosen me. Thank you so much. I too, shall pass it on to three other very deserving bloggers.
Sandra Sews Sandra is a very talented gal who makes some really beautiful quilts and many other quilted items such as handbags, coasters, aprons, and much more. I love her work and the fact that she sews items for various charities makes me admire her even more.
Quilt Obsession Cathi is also a very talented quilter. She makes many beautiful quilts and quilt related items as well. She's recently made some wonderful needle cases which I know you will all love. She also has a couple of really beautiful and precious kitties named Smudge and Lester (whom I adore).
Quilting Daze Darlene is another blogger with wonderful quilting talent. She makes beautiful quilts. Check out her most recent quilt top, totally magnificent and inspirational. She has some lovely stitcheries and many other quilt related projects on her site too. Truly fabulous!
Gals, I am very aware of how precious time is and how busy you all are. If you are unable to pass these awards on to others because of time constraints, no problem. Just enjoy the blog awards and know how very special, inspirational, and talented you all are.
Have a nice day, everyone.
I'm incredibly flattered! Thank you, Lettie!!
Your flower pins are fabulous! Seeing so many of the wonderful things you make has inspired me to start thinking of small things to make. They're so much fun and SO pretty!
You definitely deserved that award!
Goodness, I've missed a lot! Congrats on your honor! I must say that you deserve it.
Things are a little crazy here right now. I'll be back as often as I can...but not to fear, I'll be catching up soon. I can't stand missing all your lovely posts.
Lettie - Love your fabric pins because I love your fabric! You have some of the neatest fabric. I can just see you wading through your sea of fabric looking for just the right color and design for each flower. How fun!
Congratulations on your awards - well deserved! And, thank you, thank you so much for bestowing the honor on me, as well. I appreciate your sweet words about my blog. Thank you!
I think the idea of romping around your fabric stash is preferable to cleaning house, cooking, or in this case, getting after two very naughty doggies that dug up one of my potted flowers. They are banished outside for the whole day with no watermelon treats!
Awwwwwwwww thank you Lettie - congratulations to you too - you deserve it!!! I love reading your blog and getting inspired by all your gorgeous projects!! *sending you big Canadian hugs* :)
I began my quilters journey 38 years ago with yo-yo's they will always hold a special spot in my heart ~ KalamaQuilts
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