Okay, I think I may have died and gone to yo-yo heaven. These flower ornaments are my absolute favorite of all the jumbo yo-yo's that I've done so far.
I'm really digging the pretty pastel colors. It reminds me of a candy from my childhood called Candy Dots. They're the little dots of sugary candy that you peeled from long strips of white paper. Somehow I remember eating more of the paper than the candy but I loved them anyway. In fact, I think I may still love them, minus the paper, of course.
They're the same on both sides so the yumminess factor can be enjoyed from any direction.
I'm loving the pearly striped button centers. It is a refreshing change from the usual opaque white ones.
Each ornament measures 4-inches. Besides hanging from a tree, I think it would make a very sweet package tie. I'm sure I'll find many other uses for these as time goes by.
Just in case you haven't noticed, I'm currently hosting a giveaway for this pretty polka dot pillow. Please comment under that post (5/19) to be eligible for the giveaway.
I would like to introduce you to another fabulous blog called Sorta Frugal. This blog is bursting at the seams with a vast array of sewing and crafting projects. She is presently hosting an ABC of cool blogs. Please stop by as I'm sure you will find many new blogs to inspire you.
I'm really enjoying your wonderful quotes and sayings. Some of them are so funny that I've found myself laughing out loud. You've all made my day! Thank you.
Have a sweet day!
These are such yummy yoyos and I remember candy dots - we loved them as kids. Thanks for telling me about the Moonstitches blog - such a cute owl. I like owls almost as much as yoyos!
Those are fabulous yo-yo flowers! The striped buttons in the centres are perfect!
Lettie, you make the most wonderful yo-yo flowers. Everything you have been showing us is so creative. You are genius?! Pretty terrific!
I'm curious Lettie...where are you buying your fabrics? Online store? Local source? I like how you've got a variety of shades in the polka dot pattern.
I love your flowers. Is there a pattern how to make the leaves or is your own?
Thanks for sharing your lovely creations
Lettie - Absolutely beautiful, as usual. You are so creative.
Thanks for posting the link for the Sorta Frugal blog. I found lots of good blog sites posted there. Joyce in Iowa.
I adore those yoy-yo flowers, they brought an immediate smile to my face. Thanks for the photos.
I love the yo-yo flowers! I want to lay in a field covered in them...ok, maybe a quilt top would be better.
Are the flowers made by folding a yo-yo the size of the flower over on its self? It's just so cute!
They are adorable - could be used as a border on baskets and dresses and towels - how lovely #!}
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