If you're a polka-dot-jumbo-flower-yo-yo kinda gal, you are gonna love this bodacious little pillow. From side seam to side seam, it measures 11-1/2-inches. The jumbo yo-yo measures a whopping 4-inches. Wouldn't it look sweet nestled amongst a cute doll collection on a shelf or if you decorate in brights for summer, this would make a lovely addition to a side chair.
Tell me you are interested in the giveaway by making a comment under this post. I love quirky quotes and sayings like, "Raising kids is like being pecked to death by a chicken" so please include one in your comment. You will not be judged by your comment or quote. This will be a random drawing. I will run this giveaway until May 31 to give everyone an opportunity to enter. A winner will be chosen on June 1.
I was recently introduced to yet another fabulous blog called Bits and Pieces. Pat has a great blog filled with beautiful quilts and stitcheries and many other projects that she loves. In celebration of her birthday, she is hosting a giveaway for "quilty" goodies. Run on over and enter her giveaway. You won't be sorry!
Have a sweet, polka-dotted kinda day!
Oh my gosh!!!! I actually started drooling when I saw that picture! Polka dots make me happy!! Sorry, I don't have any quirky sayings for you, my mind has only one thing on it...polka dot yoyo flower pillow!!!!!!
What about "Money often costs too much". I don't know the author but I agree!!
I'm loving that pillow....my couch could use some sprucing up. I hope I win!!
That is a wonderful pillow!! I love it!! Quirky saying? Hmm -- I can't think of anything!!
I am drawing a blank also as to a quirky saying but I do absolutely love that pillow - so springlike - makes me smile!!!
A clean house and raising kids should not be in the same sentence. It is like trying to staple Jello on a tree. ;)
Lettie - I love the pillow! I think that would go in most any room in the house. It has every color in it!
I am always looking for quirky sayings too. I make little signs to sell at craft shows. My quirky saying is....A woman with an immaculate house and a great dinner on the table is a woman expecting her mother-in-law for dinner. Joyce in Iowa
I don't have a quirky saying, though if you want my children I would cheerfully giftwrap them for you at the moment.
Gorgeous little pillow.
Lettie, I just love your pillow!! It would make a lovely ray of sunshine in my living room here in Scotland.
An old piece of hand embroidery which was in a glass frame in my grandparents house has this saying on it:-
All the world is queer,
Save thee and me,
and even thees a little queer...
No idea who wrote it originally but I often wonder about it.
Hugs Elly
Aloha! That is a great pillow!! Where in Hawaii are you? I am in Honolulu.
As far as sayings go... I am horrible at thinking of them on the "fly"... I might have to come back and give you one later...
Oh such a perky polka dot pillow....
My dad always said " Are you going out looking like that?" Oh, BTW, my Dad was blind....
Cute pillow and yo-yo!!! Sorry, nothing original here.
I would love to own that pillow...
My quirky saying? What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
One more for those who didn't have one: I dream of a better tomorrow where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.
I'm a bit more than a bit quirky!! LOL
Another sweet and adorable project - you are soooooo talented, Lettie.
A quirky saying - HMMMM - "I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night".
I'd love to win your adorable pillow so pick me, pick me!
Great little pillow - it's late here in Mexico & all I can up with is: "At Home Sunday Between 2 & 4, Hope You Are The Same."
"May those who love us, love us, And those that don't love us, May God turn their hearts: And if He doesn't turn their heartts May He turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping." an old gaelic blessing...:-)
I am so liking that pillow. You do absolutely wonderful creations.
Such a wonderful pillow. Love the colours of it and I really need a new pillow in my sofa. Just discovered your blog. I always end my posts with a saying and yesterday I used this one: "If women's work is never done... why start!?"
This would so fit the new bedroom we want to create for my little princess.... she would love it to bits!
I never used much make-up but once I did and painted my lips red... all my mom could ask was: which chicken did you bite it's head off???? lol
Hugs from the Netherlands
Winda aka Dutch Quilter
What a cute pillow...my daughter would adore it. As for quirky sayings...how about "Woman are like tea bags. You dont know how strong they are until you dunk them in hot water"
Hugs Khris in Oz
How about the one from the top of my blog--"Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy you the wag of his tail."
Just wanted to let you know it was my pleasure to include you in my blog ABCs!
My brain is pretty dead but we have a family favorite expression from my daughter who at 4 years old yelled out "I'm off on an adventure" as they rolled her in to have her tonsils out. Ever since that's what we say whenever we have to do something that could be scary or bad.
By the way, I love the pillow, it is perfect.
Oh, what a sweet little pillow! Please count me in.
Quirky, huh? Let's see:
As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.
oh my poor brain can't come up with a cute quote to match your cute pillow....but you said you wouldn't hold that against us (G)!!!! Thanks for sharing. I am CRAZY for DOTS!!!! Hugs, Annie from San Diego
What a beautiful pillow!! I love it! And I love polka dots. My favorite little saying: Any day spent sewing is a good day. I believe that with all my heart.
Lettie - I know I already commented on this post, but I remembered a real quirky saying I just had to share. I once saw this on a t-shirt and it made me laugh. Here it is: A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
I love dots too... and your pillow is really cute. I also love quirky sayings and this one makes me LOL every time I read it!
Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him .... what? A super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
I adore your pokey dots! I don't remember where I read this but it made me laugh out loud: I have flying monkeys and I'm not afraid to use them!
Aloha from a frequent island visitor.
I love your pillow! I would love to win something especially this! My saying is one I love, "Home is where my story begins."
My saying is what everyone has said in their comments! "I love that pillow!"
Thanks for doing the giveaway...love the pincushion! My saying.."It ain't over 'til it's over!"
cute cushion!
quirky saying? hmmmm I like 'If you are not liking me know, imagine me as your EX-wife'...
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit-I shure like that there pillar!
I love your quote but I heard it with "ducks" instead of chickens. Ducks would be worse...they have rounded bills. I always say, "That's enough to choke a goat!" when something tastes bad. I have two favotite quotes. The first is by Mr Rogers who said, "You can never go down the drain." I have that on a bracelet. My second favorite is from Leave it to Beaver...Ward Cleaver said, "You're never too old to do goofy stuff." I live by that motto!
Why is it you can't think of the fun quirky things when you want to. I know I say quirky things all the time, people make comments about it. My mind has gone blank.
"back up the truck mini-mac" a favorite in our house!
3beez at bellsouth dot net
love the pillow!
So cute!!
What a lovely pillow you have created! Thanks for the tip about the quilter's giveaway. One thing I always say about my graying hair is that I have earned them raising my two sons!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks,Cindi
Thats the cutest pillow I have seen today! beside itching today cause of menopause i promise not to beat on it!
Polkadots are my favourites too, but I've always hated yoyo's. Thought they were boring.....Today I discovered your blog: I was soooo wrong about the yoyo's!!! Your projects/fabrics/colours are very inspiring. Gonna make a yoyo NOW!
For quirky sayings check this:http://www.loesje.org/
This pillow is cool as a moose. I would love to win. Not good at pithy sayings though
The greatest gift of all, is to love and be loved in return!
I know, not really quirky, but I love that line!
Your Polka Dot pillow would brighten up any day!
I love color and that quilt you posted about on the 17th is gorgeous! Nice and bright and well.....colorific!
Love the pillow too. I'm no good at quirky lines. sorry....
It's really fabulous...in fact all of it is great...polka dot me!
Your pincushions are adorable! The polka dot fabrics are perfect and make me smile.
Love poka dots my favorite colors, would look really great in my new house.
quote: "from pillar to post".
Your pillow is beautiful. Love the big yo-yo. And you are giving away? I want it!!!!! Here is a very quirky poem for you. Hope it isn't too, too quirky.
Father heard his children scream
So he threw them in the stream
Saying as he drowned the third
Children should be seen not heard.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
I love that bright and happy pillow. The center reminds me of some pillows my grandparents used to have that were made entirely of those scrunchy button looking things. It brings back fond memories.
Me Me Me!! I need to win!! I LOVE this!! Sooooo cute! Laurie
I think that your polka dot yo-yos are fabulous! I would love to win the pillow!
Here's one of my all-time favorite quotes: Time wounds all heels.
lettie, love your pillow. I just found your blog. I will be back. Please enter me in your contest.
I love your blog and this pillow is adorable!
What a wonderful pillow! The only quirky saying I can think of right now is "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!
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