Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wise old owl... sitting on my latest project. Hopefully, I'll have some progress to show you tomorrow.

My plans for a tutorial and giveaway went by the wayside. Too much to do and not enough time has caused me to postpone it to a later date. Please stay tuned.

I'm pooped! Good Night!



  1. Your wise old owl is sitting on some cute polka dots! So pretty!

  2. Your owl is absolutely adorable. I hope you tutorial is an owl tutorial!!! Too cute - have not seen any owl patterns. I love him. Have a great weekend.

  3. I think I might have a clue as to what your latest project is. From what I can see, it looks similar to something I make. We will see! Very pretty colors. Joyce in Iowa

  4. What a cute little owl. I know what you mean, there doesnt' seem to be enough time in the day sometimes.

  5. Pretty little owl looks very nibbly - I'd like to bite his tummy! The polka dot fabric is very intriguing :)

    Tomorrow is another day, and then the tomorrow after that is ALSO another day -- take it easy and don't get stressed!
