Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pincushion Love

It's time to admit that I have an affinity to handmade pincushions. I guess, in a way, I really hadn't realized this until the pincushions started piling up around here. I have no words to explain why I love them. I just do.

Apple pincushions, green and red, done up country style. I made these a long time ago. Back then I had no idea how much I was going to love them years later.

Am I making you hungry yet? Sweets, my weakness. This pincushion makes me want to jump in my car and head down to the bakery. One donut with pink icing and sprinkles, please.

I made this puzzle ball pincushion after seeing a tutorial on Craftser, a crafting message board. I couldn't resist trying my hand at it. I love how all those tiny segments form cute flower-like patterns all around the ball.

I hope you all have a creative day out there in blogland. I plan to do the same.



  1. Lettie, I can see why you would love these...I mean they are really so CUTE! Of course that donut cushion caught my eye (and not for the "edible quality") but because I noticed the candy sprinkle 'beading' done to the glaze part. You are so talented at this, don't you sell at craft fairs during Christmas time? I think they would be a hit!

  2. Wow, I love these little pincushions. How creative. Great projects and a pleasure to browse.

  3. Hi,Lettie! I, too, love pin cushions. If only I were as talented as you. I love fabric,also, and with pincushions, you get to work with so many of your favorite pieces of fabric.Love your blogs on recyclables,too.A girl after my own heart.
